Tatsumaki Vs Mewtwo (One Punch Man Vs Pokemon)

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Wiz:Psychic power is often marveled at by many as being one of the greatest forms of power to ever exist, and for good reason. Many have been bestowed with it's awesome yet devastating power, be it by their choice, or having it thrust upon them.

Wiz:And today we look at two of the strongest psychics to ever go at it.

Boomstick: Tatsumaki, One Punch Man's Tornado of Terror.

Wiz: And mewtwo the clone of mew.

Boomstick: He's wiz and I'm boomstick.

Wiz: and it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a death battle!

Tatsumaki twists into death battle

Wiz: In a world filled with monsters and villains which threaten the survival of humanity on a daily basis, it's a stroke of luck that mankind has its fair share of saviors in the form of superheroes.

Boomstick: And some of these heroes are so powerful, they can crush all the baddies without even laying a finger on em'.

Wiz: These are espers, superhumans who possess powerful psychic abilities.

Boomstick: And one of them is a girl named Tatsumaki-

(Boomstick sees the webcomic version of Tatsumaki)

Boomstick: Ahah! What the?! Is that real?! Why does she have cinnamon rolls stuck on her face?

Wiz: Well, let's just say ONE is more well known for his excellent storytelling than, say... his art. Regardless, Tatsumaki's psychic abilities were extraordinary, even at a young age. So much so, she was taken from her family to be detained and studied at a research facility. She was seven years old.

Boomstick: So, not the best childhood, obviously. Lucky for her, she got out thanks to a surprise rescue by the hero called Blast. Who... blasts things? I guess? Eh, no one really knows.

Wiz: Either way, Blast's rescue changed Tatsumaki's life forever, and he left her with one very important lesson: "When the time comes, don't expect someone to save you."

Boomstick: That's kinda harsh. He is supposed to be a superhero, right?

Wiz: Whether it be she was inspired by his heroism or torn by his contradiction, Tatsumaki decided to take up hero work for herself. Thus, she took up the mantle, "Tornado of Terror".

Boomstick: Yeah, I know what you're thinking, "Doesn't that sound more like a supervillain name?" And you might mistake her for one too, cause she's... kind of a brat.

Wiz: Well, she is the best at what she does and she knows it. So, she often seems arrogant and rude. With her psychokinesis, she often floats above her opponents, looking down on them literally and figuratively.

Boomstick: Her favorite thing to do is throw rocks at people. Big rocks, small rocks, rocks from outer space, doesn't matter. If it's vaguely rock-shaped, it's flyin' at ya. But she doesn't discriminate, she's also fine throwing other things like trains, schools, people, even a giant octopus.

Popup: Fubuki once created an earthquake measured as 6 Shindo in the Japan Meteorological Agency Seismic Intensity Scale. 6 Shindo roughly equals magnitude 8. Later quakes created by Tatsumaki were measured as being higher in output than Fubuki's.

Wiz: Not only that, but she can alter the direction of gravity, create town-spanning barriers, twist up a human body, cause magnitude 8 level earthquakes, and spin up enormous whirlwinds. Fitting for her namesake.

Boomstick: And that's not even half of it. She's the most powerful esper of them all, even better than her older sister, Fubuki.

Wiz: Actually, that's her younger sister.

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