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Next day in the morning

I just came to my balcony to take a quick look at today's city.

"Hey! Good morning!" I was almost startled and looked in the direction of the sound only to find that boy from yesterday with salty cookies.

Why on earth is he here waving at me from his balcony when he said that's not nice to meet me?

"Haha. I think you almost choked on the coffee." He laughed.

"And this is funny to you?" I asked.

"Well... a bit. HeHe! HeHe!" He answered with a weird type of laugh and hurriedly went in.


As I'm walking by the street to enter a restaurant... not to eat just to meet a friend since I'm passing by.

I entered. But, not that a great greeting.

"What do you mean by this? Huh?" A man yelled at a boy. Not little though. maybe a new adult.

"Shut this up. What's happening?" The owner came out and asked but they just ignored him.

"What's with your attitude? Gosh! Young kids are way too much more these days." The man threatened to punch him.

"Ah! Just cut it up. Why bothering?" After some people talked and it shut off.

"People are these days just arguing for nothing." My friend said and noticed me. "Oh, you are here?"


"On what case? Are you here to arrest them?" She teased me maybe.

"I'm not always arresting people. I'm just a detective who can have free days..." I laughed as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Oh, yeah. So... what's the case now in your Daily life ?" She asked like I'm the busy police.

"Well. Nothing. So, they are just continuing with some random useless things."

"Oh. I see."

That's the end of our conversation. Now, I'm just thinking about going to Mee-sung's lab and bug them out since I'm free now.

Thinking I bumped with someone. "Hey! watch out! You were gonna push me to this manhole. Gosh! I'm startled." I just bumped with him lightly and this is what he is saying holding his heart from explosion. How dramatic!

But, he looked familiar. Oh, yes. he was with that Lee Chan boy yesterday in front of the supermarket.

"Why are you following me?" He asked as he was walking in front of me the same way I was going.

"I'm not following you. I'm on my way to somewhere." I said.

"Oh! You are that girl who was sulking for the matter of the car parking." He said and I sulked for real this time. Annoyed sulking. Everyone is telling me that I sulked.

Ah! Life isn't fair...

"These days this type of girl stalks handsome boys. Who knows just came to get a boyfriend." He was just blabbering like his friend without knowing anything.

"Hey! STOP FOLLOWING ME! or else I know how to fight. I'm a Man of Action. You better know your place. I know I'm so handsome. But, you aren't pretty enough to seduce me. I'm a different type of man who can't be easily going at anything like this." I haven't ever seen this type of person who thinks he is handsome and that's why he's been stalked by a girl. How Pathetic...

He even insulted me that I'm not pretty enough. Enough is enough. I'm feeling like I wanna slap him off to manhole.

"You are even here stalking me?" He said when I went into the building where was Mee-sung's lab.

"I'm here to see my friend," I said.

"Looks like you are lying... You Better go home by now or else I-" He fell onto the floor cuz there was a bucket of water and it spilled out and he slipped and fell.

The End. Karma really works.

Every Night Is Gloomy [SVT Lee Chan]Where stories live. Discover now