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"I finished! I'm first!" He raised his arm in the air.

"That's not fair!" I said while still eating the cake.

"It's totally fair... Now, listen..." He stood up.

"Hm. Say it." I nodded uninterestedly.


I looked at him. "What did you just say? I didn't hear..." I said.

"Shut up, you heard it!" He sat down.

"I really didn't hear... Say it again." I gave him an all-ear to listen again.

"You heard it!! Fight me!"

"I heard it but my ears didn't," I said.

"How dumb..." He murmured. "Aigoo, OK..."
He gestured to get my ears closer to his mouth so I can hear.

"I. Like. You," he added a break in the middle of per words.

"Ah... ok. I heard it now." I said and he facepalmed.

"No reaction?" He asked.

"What reaction? What am I supposed to do? Like in the movies? 'Omg!! Really? You like me? I like you too!' 'When I first met you, I couldn't take my eyes off from you.' 'You are the love of my life.' 'aw, you are so cute!' 'No! You are cuter!' 'No! Yo--"

"Stop!" He sulked. "Who on earth told you to say that?"

"No, I'm just describing... How people expect their liking person to be..." I said.

"I'm not expecting any of these from you. Just told you that's how I feel." He said.

"Hm... Really interesting..."

"So... What you would like to say? I guess, you really couldn't take your eyes off me when you met me. That's why you followed me everywhere." He put on a serious yet smiling like 'something is gonna happen' face.

"Nonsense," I murmured. "I was gonna say that the child you babysitted earlier is missing you now. Wants to meet you." I said and stood up as my leg is feeling quite well.

"Hi!" I greeted the child who is looking quite mannered. His mental health wasn't good at that time as a little child.

"Hi! I just wanna apology for my behavior last time. But, I had a very good time with you guys. You guys were nice to me." He smiled.

"I told you, he is a good child," Wonwoo whispered in my ear and I nodded.

"But, can I ask where is he? Who came to my house before you?" the child asked.

"He... Didn't he say that he is coming?" I asked Wonwoo.

"Yeah, he said. But, how long is he gonna take?" Wonwoo put out his phone and called someone.

"When? Where?" Wonwoo said on the phone and hung up.
"He is again suffering from arm pain."

"What happened to him? I heard he is leaving this city in some days. So, I wanna meet him before he goes back. I also heard that you guys went somewhere to fight with the bad guy." the kid said.

"Where did you hear it?"

"From Seungkwan hyung..."

"How are you feeling now?" Wonwoo asked Chan when we arrived at his cabin.

"Same as before. But, maybe... Quite better." Chan murmured.

"OK then. Rae-un, you should rest too. You walked so much today. Get well first then spin around." Wonwoo said to me and left the cabin.

"You can leave too," Chan spoke after some silence.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.


"About you are leaving Seoul in some days..."

"All things can't be shared with everyone." He said sulking.

Was I being too unserious about the matter of his feelings? Or he is up with his drama?...

"What... Why? Why are you sulking that I didn't say anything about your feelings? I will!" I said.


"Uh um... Well someday but before you leave Seoul." I said and his sulking face turned into smiling.

"That's good!"

"I had no choice for your childishness..."

Every Night Is Gloomy [SVT Lee Chan]Where stories live. Discover now