Chapter 30 - Cruise gone wrong?

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~Author's Note~

What up?~ This chapter might be a bit confusing! But, if you read the manga around chapter 50 or 52 and up you'll understand better. Hope you like it! It was kinda hard trying to explain everything.. Anyways, Enjoy!!


~Ciel's P.O.V~

I escorted (F/N) to the dinner we were attending and we sat down at our table, Sebastian was standing next to us.

"This is so amazing!" (F/N) chirped.

"Well you're going to get used to it. We'll be back each day for dinner here." I told her. She just smiled and continued to look around. Sebastian leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Young Master we should go now if we want to make it to the meeting." Sebastian said quietly. I nodded and I tapped on (F/N)'s shoulder.

"(F/N), let's go." I told her quietly. She nodded and we left our table. We walked towards the meeting but Sebastian gave us all disguises. Sebastian has on a wig that made his hair look longer, he also gave me a wig that went to my shoulders. (F/N) had on a blonde wig that went to the middle of her back. Then Sebastian whispered us the secret code in order to get in.

"What are you guys here for?" The man at the door asked. We all looked at each other and nodded.

"We are THE PHOENIX!" Sebastian, (F/N) and I shouted and did a pose. The man replied back with the same pose. He let us entered and he gave us a membership badge. I was so embarrassed...

"It's okay Ciel." (F/N) whispered to me. But I was still embarrassed.

"Young Master over here." Sebastian said. (F/N) and I walked over to him. We saw a bunch of people by a casket.

"Thank you for coming! Today we will raise young Margaret Connor back to life. She lost her life in a accident. Well then ladies and gentlemen! I will show you now! The power of medicine!" The man announced as they placed power sources onto her body and turned it on. I could hear crackling noises and then Margaret's body started to sit up.

"As long as you are alive mother will-" The man got cut off as Margaret bit into her moms neck.

"AHH!" People were screaming everywhere, the started to evacuate and rush everywhere.

"Sebastian!" I yelled.

"Yes, My Lord." He replied.

"(F/N)? Are you okay?!" I shouted through the crowd. I see her hand wave in the air signalling me that she was over there. The crowd must have pushed her away. I pushed my way through the crowd to get to her and when I did I grabbed her hand.

"Hold on!" I shouted as we made our way back to Sebastian. Sebastian threw his knives into her but she continued to rise again. People started shooting guns at the corpse but it did no damage to her. The corpse started to eat the people around. I felt (F/N) grip tighten and I turned around to look at her, she looked very scared.

~Reader's P.O.V~

'Oh my gosh, she's a zombie? I thought these things happened only in movies!' so many questions went into my head. I was holding onto Ciel's hand pretty tight, scared that if I left go I was going to lose him.

"(F/N)?" Ciel asked. I looked up at him, he looked kinda worried. 'Snap out of it (F/N)! You are strong!'

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me!" I replied. He turned back around to focus on Sebastian and I turned around and I found this dude with a lawn mower. He noticed me and he smiled. He ran over the mom of Margaret and films started shooting out of her. I just stared at him wide eyed.

"A grim reaper?" Ciel asked.

"Are you the 'Sebastian' they were talking about?" The lawn mower dude asked. He started talking to Sebastian then suddenly they started fighting. Ciel took me and we ran off to some stairs. I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to know what was happening.

"Ciel! What's happening!?" I asked as I jerked my hand away from his. He looked at me surprised.

"We don't have time for this (F/N), come on!" Ciel shot back.

"Tell me on the way!" I said to him as we ran down the stairs and we ran into a place with a bunch of boxes. It was really dark and quiet but Ciel had a flashlight with him. We were walking around and I heard a growl behind me. I slowly turned around and I saw a zombie behind me.

"(F/N)!" I heard Ciel yell. He dashed towards me and he tackled me onto the floor. We quickly stood back up and Ciel started shooting the zombies.

"Good thing that's over." He said.

"Ciel, look." I said as I pointed to all the caskets around us.

"There are more?!" He yelled. The caskets all started shaking violently then the zombies came out of the caskets, one by one.

"(F/N)! Up here!" Ciel yelled as he pointed to some ropes on the boxes. I nodded and ran towards the box and climbed it. I let out my hand for Ciel to grab.

"Come on Ciel! Hurry up!" I shouted. He grabbed my hand and he climbed up onto the box with me. We sat there and Ciel looked down studying them a bit.

"I don't think they can climb." He said to me.

"Thank goodness.." I replied.

"AHH!" I screamed as the box we were on started shaking. I looked down and the zombies were biting on the box causing it to slowly become weak.

"Ciel! Give me your gun!" I screamed.

"No! I won't!" He yelled.

"No you have too! So I can protect us both!" I yelled as I tried to reach for it.

"NO (F/N)!" He yelled at me. I jerked back a bit.

"It's just like you said. I had to learn to protect myself. Now it's my turn to protect you." Ciel said to me. I looked up at him tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"My, my Young Master. That's how a gentleman should act." Sebastian said as he walked down the stairs.

"Sebastian! Don't stand about! Clean them already!" Ciel yelled.

"Yes, my Lord. This way might be a bit messy but it's the fastest way." Sebastian replied as he started to kill all the zombies.

"We'll be alright (F/N)." Ciel said as he grabbed my hand comforting me.

"Ciel, I've said this before but I'll say it again." I told him. He looked at me.

"I love you Ciel."

From the Tea Shop ~ Ciel X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now