~Author's Note~
Hiya!~ This Chapter has a lot of P.O.V changes so hang on! Like the longer chapters? Like the story concept? Let me know what you think! Leave comments so I can read what you guys say! I would love to read them! Enjoy~
~Lizzy's P.O.V~
"Come in." I heard Ciel's voice from the inside of the room. I was really nervous but I had to do it.
"Hi Ciel." I said. Ciel looked up in shock. But he looked.. sad..
"Elizabeth?" He asked.
"I came here to talk to you." I said as I walked to the front of his desk.
"Very well." He said.
"I just want to tell you that.. I.. have found another love." I said looking down.
"Is it the boy from the bakery?" Ciel asked.
"Yeah, Ren." I replied.
"Is that all you came for?" He asked in his monotone voice.
"I want to say i'm sorry. I know your feelings for me is different than mine for yours." I told him.
"But please forget about me. I will love you, but as family." I told him.
"Elizabeth.." Ciel said quietly. I looked up at him tears were forming from his eyes. 'Ciel never cried, I must be a horrible person..' I thought.
"I love you." Ciel said looking down. I smiled at him and bent down to kiss his forehead. I could see his eyes widen.
"I love you too." I said. Then I exited the room.
~Sebastian's P.O.V~
Lady Elizabeth walked out of Young Master's study, she looked quite sad.
"I'm sorry Sebastian." Lady Elizabeth said as she walked past me to the doors. 'I guess she finally told him the truth.' I thought. I entered Young Master's room and his hands were covering his eyes. 'Poor Young Master, he has lost Lady Elizabeth now too..'
"Young Master, lunch is ready." I told him.
"I don't want any." He said his hands still covering his eyes.
"But you must eat." I replied.
"Go away and leave me alone for now." Young Master said irritated.
"Yes, My Lord." I replied as I left the room. I walked away from his room and I went to the telephone to make a phone call.
"Hello, this is Michelle from 'Teas of Life'. How may I help you today?" A voice said from the other side of the phone.
"Hello, Michelle. It is Sebastian Michaelis." I told her through the phone.
"Oh, Sebastian! How are you! Do you want your usual?" Michelle asked me.
"Thank you I'm doing very good. Unfortunately Young Master isn't." I told her.
"Oh my, what happened?" She asked.
"I would love to tell you but it is his personal business, I rather not." I said to her.
"I understand. Did you want (F/N) to bring you the Tea?" She asked.
"Thank you but I don't want the tea today. I was wondering if you could send (F/N) over to the manor so she could cheer Young Master up a bit." I asked her.
"Oh, well will she be gone long?" Michelle asked worried.
"As long as you would like. Depends on what you would want." I told her.
"Well, If it's for The Earl Phantomhive. I guess she could stay one night. It would really help them bond too." Michelle told me.
"Thank you very much. I will see (F/N) soon." I told her and I hung up the phone.
~Reader's P.O.V~
Michelle told me I would be staying at the Phantomhive Manor for a day. I was a little upset but it was what Michelle asked for. I couldn't say no to Michelle, she did help me out so much. I reached the manor and knocked on the door. Then Sebastian opened it for me.
"Welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay. Let me show you to your room." Sebastian said as he gestured me to follow.
"So, why am I here?" I asked while we were going to the room.
"May I explain it to you when we get to your room?" He asked still walking to the room.
"Absolutely." I replied. We reached the room and it was beautiful. The bed was very big and I felt like a noble just standing in the room. I put my stuff on the side of the bed while I sat down on the very soft and plump bed.
"So, what happened?" I asked while I sat on the bed.
"It seems that Lady Elizabeth told Young Master her true feelings for him. He now won't eat and he doesn't want to see me. I thought maybe you could cheer him up a bit." Sebastian said to me. I was a little shocked that she did it so soon but It was for Ciel.
"I would love to help cheer him up. Where is he right now?" I asked.
"He is in his study. If you wish to see him knock, if he doesn't answer to your knock I give you permission to just enter his room." Sebastian explained to me. I nodded.
"I guess I'll go see him now then." I said as I hopped of the bed and onto my feet and walked to his study.
"Very well. I shall prepare dinner for Young Master and You." Sebastian said. I thanked him and continued to walk to Ciel's study.
I knocked on the door and Ciel didn't answer. I proceeded to follow Sebastians orders and I opened the door. And Ciel was sleeping on his desk. I walked over closer to him and sat down next to him. 'He's so cute, he has a baby face!' I laughed to myself. Then I noticed that around his eyes they were red. It killed me on the inside because I knew Ciel was crying. Now and then he would sniffle.
I softly touched around his eyes by the redness. 'Ciel. I'm sorry.' I said quietly. I decided to place my head on my desk next to his, I closed my eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up to the sound of my name getting louder.
"(F/N)." I heard my name.
"(F/N)." I heard my name louder.
"(F/N)!" I hear my name being shouted at me. I jolted awake and I threw my head up. I looked over to the right and Ciel was standing there next to me, slightly blushing.
"Hi." I told him with a sleepy smile. I rusted my head on his desk again but I was facing him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked annoyed.
"Well, I came to cheer you up." I said as I gave him a sweet smile. He blushed and he threw his head down.
"You know." He said quietly.
"Yeah, Sebastian told me." I replied. I looked at him, i think he started to tear a little.
"Ciel.." I said. I got up and hugged him.
"You'll be okay, I'm here with you now." I said rubbing his back to comfort him. I heard him sniffle a little.
"Sebastian said you weren't eating, how about we go eat. Together?" I asked him while I pulled away from the hug. I looked at him, his eyes were red again from crying.
"Okay..." Ciel replied still looking down. I smiled and grabbed his hand while I took us to the dining table.

From the Tea Shop ~ Ciel X Reader
FanfictionAfter being kicked out of living with your grandma, you find a place at a tea shop, you will never know what life will bring you too. Making tea, loving the smell, the taste, and the faces, and the people you meet will Change you life forever, well...