Chapter 1 - The little tea shop

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I do not own Black Butler (Kuroshituji). Hope you enjoy this fan fiction!
Shout out to: Momochi_chan!
(F/N) - First name
"You are now 13, learn to provide for yourself!" my grandmother yelled at me.
"But how grandma?" I asked.
"Find out!" she yelled as she tossed my stuff outside. My grandma never liked me because she never liked my mom. My mom was half demon, that's why my eyes change colors. I like to call it 'Mood Ring Eyes'. They change based on my feelings.

Walking alone in the street was not what I would ever had imagined. 'Maybe I would run into somebody and they'll let me saty for a week!' I thought to myself. Now, i need to provide for myself.

I walked away in the cold December day, as my legs were freezing. Only with a sweater on and a thin skirt I wouldn't be able to survive the cold like this. I made it to the other side of town as my legs were about to give up on me. I looked up and I see a help wanted sign in a tea shop. I entered the little shop and the smell and the warmth made me feel happy.

"Hello? Anybody here?" I asked looking around.
"Good evening miss." I hear a woman behind me say.
"Oh hello!" I reply bowing down.
"What do you need help with today? She smiled politely.
"Well, I see you guys need help, and I need help as well." I tell her.
"You want to work here? Miss, but you look a little young." The lady asked concerned.
"I could help you guys! You don't need to pay me! All I need is a place to stay." I begged.
"I don't know, where is your family?" She asked.
"My family?" "Well, let's sit down. It's kind of a long story." I say as I sat down on the bench in the shop. The lady sat with me.

"Well, my mother died when she gave birth to me, which was 13 years ago. My father left for business 6 years ago and I've never seen him since. My grand mother didn't like my mother and she didn't like me. I just got kicked out of the house about an hour ago and walked until I found this little tea shop."

"Oh my goodness! You must be freezing!" The lady scrambled out of the room and soon came back with a big blanket. She handed it to me then went behind the counter and came back with hot tea.

"Thank you." I smiled at her, blew the tea and drank some.
"Well, you can stay tonight. Let's see what you can do in the morning okay?" The lady said.
"Okay, thank you so much. What is your name?" I asked.
"Michelle Jullian. and yours?"
"(F/N)(L/N)." I replied.
"Wonderful. It's feeling late, let me close up and I'll show you to the guest room." Michelle told me. She closed the windows, locked the doors, put the teas away, and cleaned up a bit.

"Follow me." She said as she gestured me to follow her. We went upstairs and that's where all the rooms were.
"Here is your room for now. It's not much but hope you like it." She told me.
"Thank you, it's good enough for me. Good night." I told Michelle. she smiled and closed the door and left. I flopped on the bed, snuggled in and soon fell asleep.

~Authors Note

Hey! Hope you liked my first fan fiction! I'm really excited to see my story come together. Please like, comment, and vote! Thank you so much!

From the Tea Shop ~ Ciel X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now