I woke up to the feeling of being slowly lifted then slowly falling back. I fluttered my eyes open and I remembered that I slept over at Ciel's manor. I looked under me and I realized that I was sleeping on top of a sleeping Ciel. I covered my face and held in my laughter.
"Are you awake?" I asked softly as I got up off of him.
"Why were you sleeping on me?" Ciel asked as he flipped himself over so we would be laying on his back.
"Sorry, was I heavy?" I asked as I played with the hem of my nightgown.
"Not really, it was actually kind of comfortable for me." Ciel said as he sat up straight he looked at me and I blushed.
"W-what?" I asked putting my hands on my cheeks. "Is there something wrong with me?" I looked around me trying to find out what was wrong.
"Nothing's wrong, I'm just studying your morning look." Ciel said as he looked at me up and down. "You're really messy." He replied then stood up. "Come on, let's get ready." He said as he gestured me to follow him. I nodded and followed him to the bathroom.
I tied my hair, and washed my face. Then I put my hair back down and comes it through a bit. Ciel was watching me so I confronted him about it.
"Ciel? Is there something wrong?" I asked as I looked at him. He shook his head at me then continued to get ready, but soon, Sebastian came to help him. I left and did the rest of my makeup, it wasn't too heavy but it wasn't to natural either.
"(F/N), I'm going to take you too Lizzy's ballroom party, wear this dress for me." Ciel said as he handed me a (Favorite color) dress. It was poofy, but it was a ball gown dress so I couldn't complain. I nodded and accepted the dress from Ciel. "Thanks." He replied as he walked away with Sebastian.
I took the dress and got ready, I out my hair into a messy bun win curls but it looked really cute. I wore some (Favorite color) shoes with my dress too, it added a touch to it.
"I'm ready!" I said as I walked down the stairs to get to Ciel. "Wait, does Michelle know?" I asked.
"Sebastian has informed Michelle about this ball, after we are done, he will send you back." Ciel explained to me. I nodded and I got into the carriage with him, I sat near the window and starred outside, it was always interesting to me.
"What are you doing (F/N)?" Ciel asked, I turned around and smiled at him.
"Im just looking outside, it's really beautiful." I said as I looked back outside.
Soon, we arrived at the Midford manor, it was actually my first time there as well. I was kind of nervous because it was my boyfriends ex fiance's manor. They would probably think badly of me because of Ciel and Lizzy.
"Ciel!" Lizzy cried, she ran and spun him around the. She did the same to me. "I'm so glad you came! The ball doesn't start till six o clock so make yourself at home!" Lizzy chirped. "Let me go get my brother!" She ran inside and we followed her. We stopped in the center of the room and I looked around, admiring the manor.
"Lizzy? Where are you taking me?" I voice was heard.
"Just follow me!" Lizzy exclaimed. Running was heard throughout the manor and soon two people came and stood in front of you too. "Ciel, (F/N), this is my brother Edward. Edward this is Ciel and (F/N)." Lizzy introduced us.
I looked at Edward and I gave him a warm smile, he looked a bit shocked but then he returned the smile back. He and Ciel exchanged cold looks, I looked at Lizzy and she just smiled and shrugged.
Soon people started filling up the ballroom, it was very beautiful and entertaining to me. It was time for the dances so I was looking for Ciel, but I couldn't find him. Then I felt a tap on my should, expecting it to be Ciel, but instead it was Edward.
"May I have this dance?" He asked as he bowed and held out his hand. I didn't want to be rude to say no but I had nothing to do, so I accepted. "So, what brings you here today?" He asked as we were dancing.
"I came here with Ciel, Lizzy invited us." I replied as he gave me a spin.
"Who is Ciel to you?" Edward asked.
"Ciel's my boyfriend." I said with a slight blush. He looked puzzled when I told him that.
"Boyfriend?" He replayed, I nodded a bit puzzled as well. The dance ended and we said our thank yous and I left to find Ciel. I found him talking to some people, and I waved to him which he noticed. Soon, the people left Ciel and I alone, I was about to tell him something but he talked first.
"Why were you dancing with Edward?" Ciel asked, the tone sounded a little angry and frustrated. I looked at him for a bit before answering.
"He asked for that dance." I replied. "I couldn't find you, so I danced with him." You looked at the ground before you looked back up at him with a smirk on your face. "Why? You jealous?" I asked. He turned away quickly.
"As if!" He replied. I chuckled at him before giving him a side hug.
"Don't worry, I won't leave you!" You said as you gave him a smile, Ciel was happy with what you said, he too had a slight smile on his face.
Edward was watching the two of you from afar, jealous that you were dating Ciel. Why did you go to someone like him? Edward admired your beauty and you personality since he saw you, even thought it had only been a few hours.
Thing can change in a short amount of time, can't it?

From the Tea Shop ~ Ciel X Reader
FanfictionAfter being kicked out of living with your grandma, you find a place at a tea shop, you will never know what life will bring you too. Making tea, loving the smell, the taste, and the faces, and the people you meet will Change you life forever, well...