Chapter 44 - Demon, Saved, Kissed

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~Ciel's P.O.V~
I ran through the halls trying to find (F/N), I looked through all the rooms, but it just seemed like I was getting no where. I entered a room and there was nothing in there, but I saw another door in the room. 'That's it!'

I carefully and slowly opened the door which reviled and staircase to the basement. I took out my gun and I slowly approached the stairs. When I reached the bottom, there were even more rooms that had no doors everything was just made in cement.

I checked a room with my gun just in case there was a guard anywhere. 'That's strange, why are there no guards? Maybe Sebastian took care of them all.' I continue to cautiously walked around. I was getting no where. I stopped behind a wall to take a break, I looked around and the place was bigger than it seemed.

"AGH!" I heard a scream not too far. I cautiously ran towards the voice and when I entered a room I found (F/N) all beat up and she was tied and she was hanging there from her hands. She was breathing heavily and she was looking down.

"(F/N).." I said as I took a step closer. She threw her head up and she seemed shock to see me standing there, I slowly walked towards her but her eyes widened.

"C-Ciel look out!" She cried.

~Reader's P.O.V~
I watched Nolan come up behind Ciel with a knife as Ciel came up to me. "C-Ciel look out!" I yelled. Ciel turned around and saw Nolan with a knife, but it was too late for Ciel to dodge it.

"AGH!" Ciel yelled as Nolan stabbed him in the stomach. Ciel quickly fell back as he clutched onto his stomach. His breathing was hard and uneven. My eyes widened in fear. 'Don't die Ciel, please don't die.'

"Good, now he's out of the way. You can watch him die." Nolan said to me as he walked up to Ciel who was still on the ground. Ciel's eyes were shut tight because of the pain, it hurt me so much to see him so hurt. 'Where is Sebastian?' Nolan took the knife out of Ciel and Ciel's eyes widened and he gasped.

Nolan was going to stab Ciel again, but I started to tug and pull on my chains as hard as I could to break them. Nolan noticed me and he stopped for a second before he smirked at me.

"Oh (F/N) you can't break these chains. Of course you are a demon, but you don't know how to use your energy or strength that well. Just sit still and watch." He said as he held onto the knife.

"No! Nolan stop!" I screamed as I continued to pull on my chains, it hurt my hands but it didn't matter to me. I was using all of the strength I had to break the chains, I felt like I could pass out. But I wasn't fast or strong enough, Nolan stabbed Ciel once more. Ciel coughed up blood and he had a face that was pained. My eyes watched in horror as I continued to watch him slowly die before my eyes.

*SOUNDS OF CHAIN BREAKING (because I can't describe it ;A;)*

Nolan looked up at me and his eyes widened, but he had a smirk on his face. He stood up and faced me. "Finally got your demon side I see."

My eye's irises turned a deathly red as I broke out of my chains. I ran towards Nolan and punched him straight in the face. He flew back and fell on the hard ground before standing back up with a bloody nose. "My, my, you're very strong." Nolan said as he wiped his nose with his sleeve.

"GET OUT NOW." I said darkly as I ran towards him and attacked him with this demonic side of me. I grabbed the chains and I kicked his face, which made him fly back. I chained him on to the wall and I gave him a good and hard punch, it knocked him out.

I turned around and looked at Ciel, he looked as if he had already died. I started to cry as I walked toward his body and pulled him into an embrace. I cried onto his shoulder and tighter my grip around him.

"Ciel..don't go.." I said in between my cries. As I was crying I felt a soft hand touch my face, my eyes widened. I pulled back and I saw Ciel with his eyes slightly opened and he had on a very small smile.

"I won't...leave you" he said softly. I looked down and you noticed some of his blood was on my clothes and I gasped and I tore a piece of my skirt and tightly tied it around his stomach. He grunted as I tied it tightly.

"I'm sorry, just hold on a bit longer." I said as I tied the knot. "There, just hold on a little longer, we'll go find Sebastian then we can go home together." I said as I helped him up and threw his arm around me, but then Sebastian appeared in front of us.

"I'm terribly sorry I'm late Young Master." He said as he looked at Ciel then too me. "It seems like you got hurt but miss (F/N) helped you a bit as well."

"Sebastian, just get that boy and come with us." I said as I continued to walk out the door and towards the exit.

"Very well miss."
The police came and took Nolan away, as for Ciel, Sebastian and I, we made our way back to the manor. It took a while because Ciel was still badly injured, I was slightly injured but I would be okay.

When we got into the manor, Sebastian helped clean Ciel's wounds and he laid him on his bed and he let me stay with Ciel. I helped position Ciel a bit so he wasn't so flat on the bed. He was shirtless because Sebastian bandaged his wounds and adding clothes would pressure it s bit more. It was a bit embarrassing for me but I did enjoy it.

"Ciel?" I said softly. He slightly turned his head at me. "Thanks for saving me."

"You saved me too. Thanks". He replied.

"I got so scared, I thought you were going to die..I'm glad you didn't. I don't know what I would do if you did die." I said as I trembled a little.

"(F/N). Move into the manor with me." Ciel said as he looked into my eyes.

"But what about Michelle, Louis, and Elliot?"

"If you want, move into the manor when they can handle the shop by them selves. You could always go back to work, but I want you to live here."

"Sure, when the shop is manageable for them, I'll come live here with you." I replied with a smile.

"I love you." Ciel said. I looked at him at surprised because usually I said it first but this time, he said it to me first.

"I love you too." I replied with another smile.

I leaned in close to his face and soon, our lips connected. Our eyes closed as we enjoyed our first kiss together. I pulled away and sat back up and looked at him, our faces flushed red. None of us spoke for the next minute as we processed what just happened.

"Umm, I liked that." I replied with blush covering your face.

"I liked it too." Ciel replied with a face just as red as yours. We looked at each other before giving each other a small smile.
Ahhhh, sorry for such a late update! I wasn't feeling too good when I was writing my fanfictions so I took a short break. And since school is ending, I had a lot of finals. I just finished my last finals today.

I hope you liked this chapter, I know I did. Please like, comment, and vote. I would love to hear what you guys think about this chapter! Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for my next chapter!

Did you like this book? I have written a few more fanfiction books you should check out! I have a book on;

-Finny from Black Butler
-Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul
-Haikyuu oneshots (requests opened!)

Thanks so much! Enjoy your day!

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