Chapter 7 - Sick

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I walked back to where we were meeting up and I saw Michelle waiting for me. She waved at me when I came near.

"Hey! How was shopping?" She asked gleefully.

"It was...alright." I replied.

"Hmm? What do you mean? Wern't you with Ciel and Elizabeth?" She asked. I got mad and turned away.

"Ciel is just a big baby." I told her. She looked surprised.

"Wha? Do you want to tell me?" Michelle asked concerned. I looked at her with a pout and sighed.

"Elizabeth was talking to the boy at the bakery, he got jealous and he wouldn't even talk. What a baby!" I told her. She sighed and smiled.

"Well, Ciel.. Ciel is just like that." She said smiling at me.

"I don't like his attitude. He doesn't even smile." I said still pouting.

"Let's go home, you look like you need a good night sleep." Michelle said walking.

"Yeah.." I replied.

~The Next Day~

I woke up feeling dead. I felt sick, maybe it was because I was in the cold all day yesterday. Michelle came into my room and sat next to me.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked placing her hand on my forehead. I shook my head. She sighed.

"You're all red." She said placing her hand on my cheek.

"Ugh." I said as I flipped my face into my pillow.

"Let me bring you some tea. It will help a little." Michelle said as she went to get some tea. I flipped over again so I could breathe. 'My head, it hurts so much.' I thought. I decided to go downstairs. I needed to move around so I could get better.

"(F/N)! What are you doing downstairs?" She said surprised.

"I wanted to move around, it would help me." I said already exhausted as I sat down on my stool.

"(F/N).. You need rest." She replied. I shook my head which hurt so much! The phone rang and I looked at it.

"I'll get it." Michelle said as she walked to answer the phone.

"Hello, this is Michelle from 'Tea's of Life'. How can I help you?" I heard Michelle say.

"Oh! Hello!" She said.

"Today? Okay." She replied. I got tired so I rested my head on the counter and closed my eyes.

"(F/N)?" I heard her say. My eyes shot open, I looked up at Michelle.

"She's not feeling so good today..." I heard her say.

"Who..was..that?" I asked in between breaths.

"Do you want to eat?" She asked trying to avoid my question.

"No. I don't feel like eating." I replied. I put my head on my arms and fell asleep.


I woke up to Michelle talking to somebody. I looked up, my vision still blurry. 'S-sebastian?' I thought. It looked like him, tall, black clothes. I kept blinking my eyes to regain my vision.

"Oh, (F/N) sleep well?" I heard her ask. I looked at her with a confused look.

"Mm. Not really." I replied. My head was still on my hands. I turned my face to the right and saw Ciel sitting on the bench looking at me. 'CIEL?' I blushed. 'He saw me sleeping!' I screamed in my mind. I covered my face in my arms. I could hear the heels clicking on the floor, closer and closer each time. I squeezed my arms closer. He poked my face.

"Hey, I heard you're sick." He said in his monotoned voice.

"Go away. You're going to get sick too." I replied, my face still in my arms. I heard him sigh.

"Sebastian and I came to check on you after we heard you had a high fever." He said. They came to check on me? I looked up from my arms and saw Ciel looking back at me.

"Thanks." I said with a struggled smile. I sighed. He then out his hand on my forehead. I blushed hard.

"You're head, is really hot." He said. I nodded.

"I am sick." I replied.

"Sebastian, give (F/N) some medicine." Ciel ordered. I smiled. 'Ciel.. cares for me.. right?' I thought to myself. I love this side of him. Sebastian came and gave me some medicine that tasted horrible.

"Yuck." I said after eating my medicine.

"But it will make you feel better." He replied.


Michelle closed the shop, Sebastian and her were still discussing things while Ciel sat by me. I was so tired, my eyes were closed.

"Ciel, you're going to get sick if you sit by me." I told him weekly.

"It's fine." He said. I slowly went to sleep with Ciel by my side. It felt somewhat.. nice.

I later woke up and saw Ciel sleeping next to me. His head on the counter next to mine. I blushed.

"Sebastian, are you guys leaving?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes, The Young Master has things he has to do back at the manor." He replied.

"Okay." I replied. Sebastian came to pick Ciel like a little baby. It made me laugh a little. He looked like a baby sleeping.

"Hey.. Umm.. Tell Ciel I said thanks for being by my side." I replied sheepishly. He nodded and gave a slight smile.

They left and it was already dark, so I decided to go to sleep.

From the Tea Shop ~ Ciel X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now