Chapter 37 - Ciel's Cake

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~Ciel's P.O.V~
The cake Alois and (F/N) gave me wasn't bad at all, it was actually really good. While I was eating it Sebastian came into the room with some tea.

"Young Master, here is your tea." He said.

"Thanks." I replied while taking a sip.

"Enjoying the cake?"

"It's good."

"Why not make a cake back?" Sebastian suggested.

"I don't know how to make a cake." I replied bluntly.

"I will tell you how, but you must do it by yourself." He said.

"Why am I doing this?" I asked.

"Just to show your gratitude toward (F/N) and Alois."

"I will not be making Alois anything."

"Then just make it for (F/N) and tell her to tell Alois 'thank you'." Sebastian said.

That wasn't such a bad idea I guess. (F/N) would gladly appreciate a cake and Alois would love a 'thank you' from me.

"Fine, lets go." I said getting up and heading to the kitchen.

Sebastian got the ingredients ready, put out all the tools, and he tied a blue apron around me. He was trying to hold in his laughter too.

"Shut up Sebastian!" I yelled.

"My apologies Young Master. Now, shall we begin?" He asked.

Sebastian told me to add flour first then sugar, eggs, oil, baking powder, salt, and so,e vanilla into the cake then I mixed it all together.

"Why does this take so much work?" I asked.

"Be patient Young Master, the cake is almost ready. Now pour the batter into the pan." I did what Sebastian told me and poured the batter I tot the pan.

I inserted the pan into the oven and waited for it to be ready. Sebastian said it wasn't going to be ready until about 20 minutes so he taught me how to make frosting. After I was done making the frosting I took the cake out because it was ready and let them cool then I decorated them.

"Ugh, finally I'm done." I said as I sat down in a chair from exhaustion.

"You did well Young Master." Sebastian said. "I'm sure Miss (F/N) would enjoy this cake."

"She should, I worked too hard for this."

"Well, let's bring her some. She should be back at the shop already."

~Reader's P.O.V~
"Bye Alois! Thanks for having me over!" I yelled as Alois rode away in the carriage.

"(F/N) welcome back!" Michelle said as she was sitting on a chair.

"I'm here to work! You shouldn't be working anymore, your too..pregnant." I replied.

"I wish I could work, but the doctor told me I had to rest from now on. I'll be depending on you." Michelle said to me.

"Absolutely! That's why I'm here!" I said as I gave her a wink and solute.

"By the way, is it a boy or a girl?" I asked.

"A boy, I'm so excited!" Michelle exclaimed as she rubbed her stomach.

"What did you and Louis name him?"

"We've decided on Andrew! What do you think?" She asked.

"Andrew. That's wonderful! I'm going to be an aunt! Or a sister.." I wondered.

"You can be his sister aunt then." Michelle said happily.

"Either way I'm glad!"

"Here you go! Enjoy!" "Yes? How much would you want?" "Sure, let me get that." I was helping a bunch of costumers all at once while Michelle watched, I could tell she was a bit guilty that she wasn't helping.

"Thanks (F/N)! See you later!" One of my younger costumers said as she left.

"Whew, that was a lot of work." I said as I sat down in a chair.

"Sorry, I couldn't help." Michelle said sad.

"Michelle, don't be. Your doctor said you had to rest." I said reassuring her.

I walked into the kitchen to do some dishes, clean the kitchen, and other work around that Michelle couldn't do.

"(F/N)! You have a visitor!" Michelle said happily.

"I'm coming!" I shouted.

I wiped my hands and I ran back into the front of the shop. Ciel and Sebastian were there, and Ciel was holding a cake.

"Hello! What is with the cake Ciel?" I asked.

"I-it's for you." He replied handing me the cake.

"For me?" I asked as I placed he cake on the table.

"It's just a thanks for making me the cake. Tell Alois thank you too." He said looking away.

"Awwe, how sweet! Did you make this?" I asked as I took of a fork.

"Y-yeah, I did." He replied.

"Wow, this looks really good! ill try it right now!" I exclaimed.

I took a piece of the cake and popped it in my mouth. It indeed was very good and flavorful. I can't believe Ciel made this. I started laughing a little.

"W-why are you laughing?" Ciel asked.

"It's so good I can't believe you made this!" I said eating another bite.

"Michelle, here try some!" I said as I offered her a piece of cake that she accepted.

"Wow, it is good!" Michelle said.

"I'm so glad your brought me a cake! Thank you!" I said happily.

"Why don't you have some with me?" I asked Ciel.

"Oh, sure." He replied. He sat next to me and we ate the cake together.

~Michelle's P.O.V~
"My, my, don't they look good together?" I asked Sebastian as we watched them eat the cake together.

"They do, I'm surprised Young Master has found somebody to love and cherish." He said.

"They're growing up quickly, I remember when Rachel was still holding him in her arms. He's growing up so fast." I said remembering the time when Ciel's mother was still alive.

"You know Yound Master's parents?" Sebastian asked.

"I did, Rachel was like an older sister to me even though she was 5 years older than me. Then she got married with Vincent and they had Ciel." I replied looking at Ciel and admired how much he looked like his parents.

"Until that day, everything was gone. Then one day Ciel came back with you." I'm glad he has you there to protect him." I said.

"Ahh, Miss Michelle, you're flattering me." Sebastian said and I laughed.

"Thank you for taking care of Ciel." I replied.

"One day, (F/N) will be taking care of Ciel too." I said.

~Reader's P.O.V~
"Ahh, that cake was delicious." I said happily.

"Really? I'm glad you liked it then." He said.

"You should bake more for me." I said jokingly.

"It's too much work". He replied.

"Your so lazy." I joked again.

"Hey, (F/N)?" Ciel asked looking at me. I turned to face him.


"Would you go out with me?"

From the Tea Shop ~ Ciel X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now