Chapter 1 - Back to the dungeons

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Today is April 27, a cold and cloudy day, perfect for snuggles! I hope you guys don't mind if I write some things about me
in the beginning of the chapter 🖤
L = Loki | T = Thor | Y = You

Loki POV

Walking on the castle's corridors was Loki, tightly chained and with restraining handcuffs. Two tall and strong guards led him to the dungeons as Odin demanded. He would have already tried to escape if those mans weren't that scary. Thor is by his side just because he wants to, there is no other reason.

L: Get your filthy hands off me you dull creature!
T: Stop complaining Loki, that's all your fault.

I do not believe this is happening again! I am the God of Mischief, what did they expect? Troublemaking is part of me and it will always be!

It seems the prison is nearby as the brothers can hear shouts of angered people, probably trying to escape the cell's hard barriers. They have arrived, and there were only two empty cells, one in front of the other. Loki had been put in one of them, which was surprisingly well decorated with woody furniture and books, lots of books.

One month later...

I can see that the Allfather has been working a lot lately to upgrade these dungeons, he knew I would come back sooner or later. As much as I try, it seems impossible to escape this horrendous place.

T: Stop it brother! You know you won't be able to escape this time!
L: If you are not here to help then get out!
T: I am here to keep you company, can't you be more grateful?
L: There's nothing you can do about it okay? I'm stuck here and I don't know for how long I will be!
T: Loki, enough. No more illusions.

The illusions faded and Thor saw his brother crestfallen. There were pieces of wood and books everywhere. It seemed like Loki tried punching his way out as his knuckles were full of blood. He tried not to make eye contact with his brother as tears were falling down his cheeks. He is not used to showing emotions in front of other people, for him, this was a sign of weakness.

 He is not used to showing emotions in front of other people, for him, this was a sign of weakness

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L: Now you see me brother. I am a complete mess... I don't think I'll survive if I stay here any longer... but why am I even telling you this? You have never been through a situation like this, have you? Because you are always the good guy! The hero that saves the day!

Thor left without saying a word. Seeing Loki mournful was really painful for him. As much as he wanted to, releasing his brother wasn't an option...

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