Chapter 9 - Our hiding spot

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Today is May 10 and this is a soft chapter to make your heart warm ❤️ I also put a soft song that matches the story ( scroll the Loki image )


You two were running in the crowded city center, but a few moments later, you realized Loki was out of your sight. Looking everywhere, you said his name in a low volume not to get anyone's attention.

Y: Loki?

And then you heard a whisper.

L: Here...

You followed his voice until you end up in a narrow alley. Loki had company, a tall and strong man with just a thin piece of cloth covering his face.

 Loki had company, a tall and strong man with just a thin piece of cloth covering his face

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T: Hey Y/N! It's me, Thor!
Y: I know who you are Thor!

You said giggling as Loki looked at you with puppy eyes.

Y: What happened Loki?
L: It's just that... you're so pretty darling.

He passionately said while stroking some strands of hair back from your face, and you couldn't help but smile.

T: You guys are indeed cute, but we don't have time for that, follow me!

Loki held your hand and you began to follow Thor.

After long hours of walking...

The night was coming by. You knew the city center was quite far as the babel of the civilians couldn't be heard anymore, and you started to doubt if Thor really knew where was he going. You turn corners, pass bridges, enter alleys, and no sign of a suitable place to hide.

Y: Hey! Wait a minute!
L: What's wrong my dear?
Y: Do any of you know where are we going?
T: Of course Y/N! Come on, we're almost there!

Thor processed to climb a hill and Loki helped you to do the same. You would never imagine that there was something on the other side of it, until you reached the top and came across one of the most beautiful landscapes you have ever seen.

 You would never imagine that there was something on the other side of it, until you reached the top and came across one of the most beautiful landscapes you have ever seen

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Y: Wow! This place is just... stunning!

You were so astonished with the glorious view of the city that you didn't even notice a small hidden cabin nearby.

T: This way beautiful couple.

Loki put his hand on your waist and pulled you close to his warm body. You felt butterflies on your stomach.

T: Welcome home!
L: Wait a minute brother, you have a hidden house and you never told me about it?
T: Well, I always kept it as a secret. Heimdall helped me build this place years ago. Here's where I'd go when I wanted to escape from the palace...

Something that Loki had never thought about: the pressure Thor suffered for being the heir of the throne.

L: Oh brother... I'm so sorry.
T: Don't be Loki... shall we come in?

As exhaustion filled your bodies due to many hours of walking, as soon as you came inside, you and Loki went directly to a nice looking couch. He laid down occupying almost the entire espace.

Y: Hey, move!
L: No.
Y: Then I'll have to lay on you!
L: As you wish my love.

You placed yourself by his side and he hugged you, making you the little spoon. He played with your hair until you fell asleep.

( mind connexion )

T: I am really happy for you brother, she is an amazing girl...
L: Thanks, I am so lucky to have you two both by my side...


I love soft Loki with my entire heart ❤️

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