Chapter 14 - Ice and fire

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Today is May 18 and Brie Larson singing officially owns my TikTok for you page lol 😔❤️
Loki POV

One month later...

On the bed, Loki slowly woke up with you, peacefully sleeping by his side. With his warm fingers, he traced some details of your precious face. After a while, he slightly moved the blankets and was able to see a small bump on your belly, which made him widely smile. He placed his hand on your belly expecting it to be comforting, but actually, it was surprisingly cold.

That's not just cold... it's Jotun cold!

Y: Hi love!

As you woke up, you gave him a small peck on the lips.

L: Good m-morning darling...
Y: Are you ok?
L: I'm fine...
Y: I can see you're not, spit it out!

His eyes were fixed on his hands, which were now blue as he had touched a cold surface... your belly. With your warm fingers, you lifted his chin so his eyes would meet yours. You took his hands on yours and proceeded to speak.

Y: Look at me Loki, we've already talked about that. Blue or not, I will always love you!
L: That's not the problem...
Y: Then what is it?
L: Your... your belly.

You placed a hand on your stomach trying to understand what was he talking about.

Y: It's... cold? Last time I felt that was when I tried to use my magic against Francine...
L: Humm... I may not be right but, what if...
Y: Our baby is icy!

You started to giggle while Loki had a confused expression in his face.

Y: Aren't you happy? Come on, we're having an icy baby!

You stood up, ran towards the living room and started shouting.

Y: Thoooor! We're having an icy baby!
T: What? Is the baby Jotun?
Y: Yup! Amazing, isn't it?

Thor carried you in his arms and started spinning. You two were laughing until Loki appeared on the staircase.

T: I'm sure it's a boy!
L: An icy baby... baby...

Loki knew you where pregnant, but it hadn't hit him until now. Thinking about fatherhood was scary. He didn't know if he was going to be a good dad, actually, he didn't even know what was to be a good dad as he had never had one.

Y: Guys... there's something wrong...

You lifted your shirt a bit so you could see your belly, which was now red and warm. Frigga suddenly appeared in the door and loudly expressed her thoughts.

F: Fire and ice baby!
L: Is that even possible?
F: Of course it is my son! We shall celebrate!

Loki hugged you from behind, surrounding your waist with his arms and placing his hands on your belly. He felt blessed to have someone as amazing as you by his side. His warm breath on your neck made you go weak at the knees, but you had to keep your posture as your child's grandmother was in front of you.

( mind connexion )

L: Why don't we go upstairs darling...
Y: As much as I want too, it can wait. I think your mother has something to tell us...

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