Chapter 15 - Royal news

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Today is May 21 and Im so excited because I just signed in to the virtual meeting with Tom, Sebastian, Anthony, Lizzie and Paul!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙


It's been a long time since you last saw Frigga as she was busy with royal duties. With excitement, she sat on the couch and proceeded to speak.

F: Do you know who is the only person in all nine realms that can convince the Allfather?
L: Hmmm... you?
F: Right! And that's what I've been doing for the past month!
L: Convincing him to do what exactly?
F: Allow Y/N to live in the castle!
Y: Oh really? I don't think that's a good ideia...
F: My dear, you are literally carrying my grandchild, of course I wouldn't let you live in a cabin nowhere!
Y: But... are we going back to the dungeons?
F: You shall not worry about any prison matters. Me and Odin decided that Loki had already spent a great deal of time in that cell and you were found not guilty.
Y: Not guilty? I literally killed a man!
F: With your powers, which you had no control of!
Y: That's actually true.
F: So, what do you think son?
L: If father gave us this chance, we shall take it!
F: Indeed. Pack your bags, you're moving out tonight!

After so many special moments, the cabin became a really special location for you. It was also the first place you felt truly safe, and thanks to Loki, having nightmares was of really rare occurrence. Although you didn't want to leave the cabin you called home for months, you knew that the castle would be as amazing. While packing your bags, you realized you had no suitable clothes to use in the castle, when suddenly Loki appeared behind you. He had a gift in his hands, nicely wrapped in green wrapping and decorated with golden ribbons.

L: Hi darling! I have something for you!
Y: Oh Loki, you shouldn't...
L: Just open it!
Y: is so beautiful!

It was a red dress with golden flowers all over the bust and the long sleeves.

L: I thought you would like to wear something new to meet my father tonight.
Y: Thank you thank you thank you!

You said while giving him several kisses on the face.

L: Put it on, we are leaving in 10 minutes.

You took all your clothes off but your black lacy undergarments.

Y: So... you'll just keep staring?
L: Nothing that I haven't seen before!
Y: You naughty little sausage!

You processed to put on the corset when you felt a cold finger touch your back, sending a chill down your spine.

L: Let me help you with the laces.

He carefully tied every lace of the corset, always checking on you to see if they weren't too tight. When Loki had finished, he left you to do the rest so the final result would be a surprise. You put on the last layers of the dress, which fit your body perfectly, and then went to the dressing table to do your hair and make up.

"Come when you're ready darling" you heard Loki saying from downstairs. You put on your hells and came out of your room, excited to see his reaction as this was the first time he was seeing you entirely dressed up.

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