Chapter 10 - We are not monsters

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Today is May 11 and this story is almost in the end! Although, I have some ideas of how to make it a lil bigger. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it 🥰

Loki POV

Loki woke up in the middle of the night with your body shivering and sweating.

L: Hey love, wake up!
Y: ...
L: It was just a bad dream okay?
Y: Yea, I think so...

He hugged you tightly and covered your legs with a blanket.

L: Do you wanna go back to sleep?
Y: I don't think so...
L: As you wish.

He stood up and took you in his arms like a baby.

Y: Hey! Loki?
L: Yes love.
Y: Thank you...
L: For what?
Y: Everything, if it wasn't for you I'd still be rooting in that cell...
L: Me too, you know... you gave me a reason to escape, a reason to live...

He brought you outside and you two laid on the grassy floor. The sky was so heavenly, there were many stars and a good amount of clouds. The gigantic asgardian moon was really bright, enlightening the hill and the house.

L: Y/N, can I ask you something?
Y: Anything.
L: Would you still love me if I was a... monster?
Y: What do you mean?
L: Well, humm... Im not Odin's biological son...
Y: I already knew that dummy, look at you hair!

You both giggled looking at his raven hair.

L: I recently discovered the truth about my identity. Odin first saw me thousands of years ago, abandoned in a battle field...
Y: Oh...
L: I am... Laufeyson, my father is an ice giant.

Some tears fell on his checks but you made sure to wipe them as fast as possible.

Y: Hey Loki! Look at me love, that's amazing!
L: Don't you think I'm a monster?
Y: Of course not! You know, I am different too.
L: What do you mean?
Y: My father is a human, but my mother is a fire giant!
L: That explains your power, the red mist...
Y: Yup!
L: Can I... really see you?

You slowly took your fire form. Your body turned into a flaming red and your hair and eyes turned into a pure black.

L: Wow... you're stunning!
Y: Thanks Loki!
L: I think it's my turn...

His body turned blue and his eyes red. Even from far, you could fell his skin getting colder.

Y: I guess we are... opposites.
L: That's what they say, opposites attract as they fulfill each other.

You both quickly turned into human form and he pulled you to a kiss. It was stronger than the first, more passionate. His lips mashed against yours in a slow motion. He stopped to catch his breath, and then started kissing your neck.

L: Let's go inside love.

He carried you in his arms and took you to the nearest bedroom.

I'll leave the smut to your imagination 😎

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