Chapter 20 - The end

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Today is 1st of July and this is the last chapter guys ❤️ I hope you enjoy


F: Tell me dear, how was the honeymoon? Did my boy behave?
Y: Haha yes of course, it was perfect!

You two had just came from the honeymoon vacation in a beautiful faraway beach house. Every moment of it was incredible, he treated you like a queen. At night, you would swim in the sea and then cuddle on the sand while looking at the stars.

Y: Frigga...
F: What happened?
Y: I think my water broke!
F: Oh god... guards call the midwife!

After half an hour...

Y: I can't do this anymore... where's Loki?
F: He's coming okay sweetheart, now I need you to push!

Suddenly, the chamber's door was burst open by Loki. He stood by your side and held your hand while all of your strength was concentrated on delivering the small creature you and Loki created out of pure love. With the final push, a healthy baby boy appeared. Loki took the small human in his arms and showed him to you. For your surprise he was Jotun blue! Suddenly, you felt something else coming out... the midwife quickly asked you to push again and again until a baby girl appeared.

Y: Twins? How are we gonna take care of two if we don't even know how to take care of one?
L: It's gonna be okay love, we got this!

Loki comforted you at the thought of having to take care of two precious little things. He placed the girl in your arms while he carried the boy. Her skin suddenly changed to red and hot, she was a fire creature like you!

The door burst open again but this time by Thor

T: Oh my... brother! Twins?

He came closer to Loki and saw the blue creature on his arms, then he approached you and the red baby.

T: Fire and Ice baby! We shall celebrate!

The first month of their lives were just party after party. All the asgardian population would visit the castle to finally meet the young prince and princess. Astrid, your daughter, became the goddess of fire, and Austri, your son, the god of ice

Im sorry that I took a month to write this chapter, that's because I forgot about this story lol. I also didn't really know what to write so I cut it short :(

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