Chapter 19 - The weeding

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Today is May 31h and I hope you like your weeding hehe!!


You two had just told the royal family about the weeding, but in a few days the entire realm already knew about it.

F: Hey dear, more gifts are coming!
Y: More?

You have been receiving several weeding presents from the civilians. Wood carved statues from kids, great food baskets from ladies and stunning jewelry from gentlemen. The entire realm was really excited for the festivities to begin. It was going to be an extremely high budget weeding, and so you took a month to decide the location, decoration and clothing.

After a month...

Today was the day of the weeding. The place chosen were the castle gardens. It was all you ever wanted, but just the thought of every single civilian looking at you while walking down the aisle was terrifying. You just wanted to hide on Loki's arms and burry your head on his chest, but Frigga didn't allow him to see you. She and Sif made a spa day for you to relax, and then they helped you get ready. Your hair was styled in a elegant bun and your makeup was simple but charming. Your dress was flowery greenish white, made out of the best Asgardian fabric, which smelled like new books, one of your favorite scents.

Followed by the girls, you went just outside the party, where you took a deep breath before entering

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Followed by the girls, you went just outside the party, where you took a deep breath before entering.

Before anyone noticing, your eyes met with the most handsome god, wearing his usual colors, green and black

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Before anyone noticing, your eyes met with the most handsome god, wearing his usual colors, green and black. He was on the end of the aisle, with Thor and Odin by his side. He waved at you, which was enough for everyone to notice your presence.

Y: Fuck

Loki noticed you had frozen. Everything got silent for a minute, until he hesitantly walked towards you. Everybody was confused as he carried you bride style and kissed your lips.

O: Ok then, you may kiss the bride!

Everyone applauded and threw flower petals as you and Loki ran away from the weeding.

F: A true gentleman!

Frigga was quite confused but she was mostly proud of your engagement.

L: What did I do to deserve such a goddess!

Loki said while looking down at you on his arms. You started to blush as he gave you another passionate kiss. He put you on the floor and you two ran until you came across a hidden garden.

Y: So... are we just gonna leave the party?
L: If that makes you feel better... yes!

He pulled you close by your waist as your arms surrounded his neck. You kissed him until both were out of breath and as he tried to unbutton your dress.

Y: Wait for the honeymoon love!
L: Nooo darling I need you now!

As a joke, you started to run away from him.

L: Heyyy come back!

You suddenly tripped on a rock but before you fell, Loki teleported and held you body.

L: Careful love.

You got lost in his gorgeous green eyes.

L: Earth to Y/N?
Y: Oh hey hehe

Out of nowhere, it started to rain. Loki took off his tuxedo jacket and used it to cover you.

Y: Thank you love... or shall I call you hubby?
L: Haha whatever pleases you darling!
Y: I think we should come back to the party.

People had gathered inside the castle due to the rain. When you two entered the golden room where most people were, they all bowed and made space on the middle of the room for you and Loki.

L: May I have this dance?
Y: It would be my pleasure!

With just a hand wave, romantic music filled the place. Loki placed one hand on your waist and the other was entwined with yours. The party kept going for the entire night.

 The party kept going for the entire night

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