Chapter 17 - Castle dreams

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Today is May 26 and in this story Thor and Sif are soulmates because yes ❤️


You tried not to make eye contact with Odin as he stared at you with an angry facial expression. It was clear that the Allfather was totally against Loki escorting a midgardian, even if she was carrying his grandchild. To ease the awkward tension, you respectfully bowed to him.

Y: Your majesty, it is a pleasure to meet you!
O: Hello Lady Mary.
L: Y/N, her name is Y/N.
O: Sure. Thor, me and your mother wanted you to know that we are really proud of your relationship with Lady Sif
F: Stop it Odin...

A waiter approached and offered you wine, which you craved for, but Loki denied for you.

Y: Hey! I always wanted to try Asgardian wine!
W: Let her have fun Loki! The wine is delicious!
L: I'm sorry darling, you can't...
W: Because of what?
Y: I'm pregnant...

One of the Warriors Three spit his drink all over the table.

W: Oh my! Loki you're fast!
O: Enough! This is disgusting... let's just eat in silence.

Thor tried to hold his laugh while the others fixed their sight to their own plates as silence filled the room.

Disgusting? He'll see what's disgusting!

Your skin started getting red and you eyes darker as anger filled you body. Of course getting pregnant of his son wouldn't make him proud, but at least he could treat you with some respect.

L: Hey sweetie, calm down okay?
Y: I'm sorry, excuse me.

You stood up and walked out of the dining room not to hurt anyone. Loki was irritated with the way his father treated you but, by now, the only thing he could do was support you.

L: Y/N where are you going?

He started to walk on your direction.

Y: I can't take this, I'm going to our chambers.
L: No, not there!
Y: Why not Loki?

As you ran through the golden halls, Loki picked up his pace until you came across a huge shiny green door with Loki's name engraved on it.

L: Don't you dare to open that door!
Y: Why? Are you hiding something from me?

Right before you got the chance to open it, he teleported in front of you which made you take a step back.

L: When I tell you not to do something...
Y: Tell me Loki, what were you going to do?

You said that a little too loud which made people around you stare.

Y: I-I'm sorry...
L: No... don't be, if you want to enter, go on...

He came out of your way and you hesitantly walked inside the room. It was the biggest and fanciest bedroom you have ever seen. There was a huge bed with red sheets and many soft pillows. Green decoration and plants filled the golden walls. You slowly traced your finger through some books while Loki stepped inside. You looked over to the bathroom and realized there was a giant bathtub with candles and rose petals. You suddenly felt hands surrounding your waist from behind. You turned around to see Loki smirking as your face was inches away from his.

Y: What is all that my love?
L: I wanted this night to be special...

I'm sorry if these last chapters are boring but I promise they will get better soon

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