Chapter 16 - On the way to the palace

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Today is May 24 and I always get confused about the names of the Warriors Three so you can decide which one is talking
W = Warriors Three / S = Lady Sif


Loki was open mouthed by your petite figure slowly and carefully walking down the stairs. He was dressed in green and gold Asgardian clothing. His eyes travelled around your body while you tried not to step on your dress length.

L: Holy Afrodite, you're ravishing!
Y: So are you my prince!

He hold out his arm for you to take it and then lead you outside, where Thor was waiting with two white horses. Loki helped you get on the horse and then he sat behind you. He adjusted your body so it would fit perfectly between his muscular arms.

L: Comfortable darling?

You could feel his warm breath on your neck, which made your body relax and your back rest on his chest.

Y: Near you... always!
T: Shall we go clingy couple?

Loki rolled his eyes but you kissed him on the cheek in agreement with Thor.

Arriving at the castle...

The golden palace looked even better with the moonlight. We got out of the horses, which were now being taken to the stable, and a maiden quickly approached us to say that our belongings were already settled down on our chamber. Three strong mans and one charming lady ran towards the gods, they were all smiling and chuckling.

T: It is great to see you my friends!

Said Thor while opening his arms to hug a bearded man.

L: My love, these are the Warriors Three and Lady Sif

You bowed to Lady Sif who was near you and she smiled back.

W: My love? What happened with the cold hearted Loki?
T: He fell in love! Can you believe it?
L: Guys, this is Lady Y/N, my girlfriend!
Y: It is a pleasure to meet you guys!
W: Loki... did you cast a spell on her?
L: I didn't have to!

Loki placed his hand on your waist and pulled you close when Frigga appeared.

F: Ladies and gentleman, shall we come in?

Everyone followed Frigga inside the castle. Loki couldn't help but smile while seeing you astonished by the lengthy halls and the delicate decoration.

L: Remember when I told you one day I would bring you here?

In a positive response, you gave him a passionate kiss. After walking for some more minutes, you came across the same golden door you once saw through Loki's eyes. Two guards opened it revealing the most beautiful dining room and there was Odin sitting in the furthest chair. It seemed like he had been waiting for some time as the food, which looked delicious, was already placed on the long table. Loki pulled a chair for you and sat by your side while his warm fingers where entwined with yours.

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