Chapter 12 - When you love someone

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Today is May 15 and my birthday 🥳 you readers are my gifts, thanks for everything ❤️


F: I do recognize true love when I see it!

Frigga approached Loki and cupped his checks with her soft hand. He held back tears as he was taught not to show emotions in front of other people.

F: Look at me son... everything is fine. I am here, so is your brother and the prettiest girl in all nine realms!

A wide smile appeared in Loki's face as love filled his heart. Frigga reached out her hand for you to take it and then she pulled you close into a trio hug.

T: I want a hug too!

Everyone giggled as Thor joined the hug.

F: Forget Odin, you two have my blessings!

In the afternoon:

Frigga wanted to take you on a walk in a nearby garden. You excitedly ran to your room to change clothes. An ancient but gorgeous white dress with golden flower details was perfect for the occasion. Returning to the living room, all eyes set upon you.

L: Holy Aphrodite... you're so pretty!
T: And sexy!
L: Brother!
Y: Haha thank you boys! Shall we go Frigga?

Arriving at the garden...

Asgadian gardens were most known for its superb botanical and divine energy. But as expected, due to its abandoned conditions, this place could be described as mysteriously attractive. You came across a great diversity of flowers and plants which both you and the queen had never seen. The entire place was graceful as the sunlight shined upon every nook and cranny.

F: My dear, may I ask you something?
Y: Sure!

You said picking up a green flower that reminded you of the alluring green eyes of Loki.

F: I hope it does not sound awkward but... did you use protection?

The flower fell from your hand and your eyes widely opened

Y: I-I don't r-remember... no... we got caught up in the m-moment and...
F: Calm down dear, I did not mean to make you nervous... we'd better go back, don't you think?

Your conversation was interrupted when a stranger suddenly appeared and grabbed you from the back.

F: I will not leave you here!

The queen took an adaga which was hidden under her dress and tried to fight the man. He released you as he had to walk backwards due to her attacks. He suddenly punched her, causing the queen to fall almost unconsciously in the grassy floor.


You tried to run away but the strong figure was able to grab you by your wrist. Fear filled your body as you felt your blood getting hotter and your skin red, causing the guy to moan in pain as heat burned his hands. Not knowing what to do, the coward ran away. When he finally disappeared in the woods, you fell on your knees. There was something wrong inside you, specifically on your belly. It certainly did not react well to the heat. All you could fell was cold pain and tears evaporating as soon as they reached your checks.

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