Chapter 11 - Our hearthstone

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Today is May 14 and I really tried to write the smut but it ended up terrible, so just imagine that they did the nasty 🖤


Bright sunlight came through tiny gaps on the curtains. A cold morning breeze entered the room, which gave you chills. Searching for something warm, you came closer to Loki and put your head in his bare chest, and so he put his comforting arms around you.

L: Wake up sleepy head!
Y: Just five more minutes...
L: Come on darling, I'm hungry!

Loki stood up and helped you do the same, but as soon as your legs reached the floor, you fell on the bed.

Y: I don't think I can stand up... you went really hard on me last night...
L: Consider my job done!

You exchanged smirks as thoughts from last night came into your head. It was... perfect, not too gentle nor savage. He made you fell like you were in literal heaven. He put his hands on your waist and carried you to the kitchen, where a mouthwatering bacon smell came from.

T: Good morning couple!

Thor took his eyes out of the pan with bacons and looked at you over his shoulders.

T: Brother, why are you caring Y/N?
L: Well...

Loki started blushing which was really cute, and you did not hesitate to give him a kiss.

T: Oh... say no more.
L: Be careful with those bacons brother, it looks like they are burning!

You all giggled but suddenly stopped when the gods heard steps coming from outside of the cabin.

L: Stay behind me love...

Loki put you in the floor, stood in front of you and summoned adagas in his hands. Thor silently moved to the couch to pick up his hammer (aka Jonathan)

F: Hey son— for Odin's sake, what type of reception is this?

You all became calmer as you realized it was just the queen.

T: How do you know this place?
F: My dear, I am Frigga of Asgard, I know everything!
L: Indeed mom. That means you've already heard that me and Y/N escaped from the dungeons...
F: I do son, that is the main reason of my visit.
L: But... aren't you disappointed?
F: Of course not! I am most proud of you! Let me ask you, is this because of lady Y/N?

Your small figure appeared from behind Loki.

Y: Hi Frigga!
F: Oh dear, come here!

You walked on her direction not expecting to receive a hug.

( mind connexion )

L: Why is she hugging you?
Y: I expected you to have this answer!

( end of mind connexion )

Frigga sat down on the couch and took the softest pillow to comfort her back. Afterwards, with her right hand, she made a sign for you to sit alongside her. Loki took your hand and lead you to the living room.

F: Well, my dear son, since the first time I made you a visit in the dungeons, I saw the way you two looked at each other... you had the same passionate gaze I once shared with your father...

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