Chapter 13 - Fighting for our love

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Today is 17th of May and I tried to shift for the first time yesterday. I don't know if it was a dream or a shift, but I saw Steve Rogers confessing his love for me? I mean... I love your best friend 😳

Loki POV

The cabin was a really nice place to live. The lack of human sounds allowed birds to sing and the fireplace always kept the house warm and cozy. Loki didn't mind living there for a while, actually, he got a liking to that place.

( mind connexion )

Y: Loki... help...
L: What's going on? Where are you?
Y: Help...
L: Hold on my love, I'm coming!

( end of mind connexion )

The mind connexion was weak and hard to understand as you were far from each other.

L: Thor! We need to go!
T: Where and why?
L: Y/N... she's in danger!

Running out of the cabin, Loki felt a shiver down his spine, there was definitely something wrong.

T: Brother, look!

Said Thor pointing with his index finger to a place that looked like it was burning

L: That's her!

They desperately ran towards the garden until they found you two laid on the floor. Loki went on your direction while Thor helped his mother to stand up.

L: Hey love, stay with me ok?

As much as your hot skin burned him, he did not hesitate to carry you on his arms.

"So it's true... you ran away with a murderer!"

A unknown voice said from the woods.

L: Francine?
F: Hi my love!
L: I am not your love you mewling quim!
Y: Francine you bitch! That man was at your command, wasn't he?
F: Indeed monster!
L: Don't you dare calling her that!
F: Dummy, you already forgot that I am daughter of the greatest Asgardian fighter?

Loki carefully placed your weary body in Thor's arms.

L: Brother, take care of the girls...

The black haired god summoned his shiny scepter in order to fight with the woman, and so she took her silver sword. After minutes of combat, deflecting attacks and leaving several cuts and bruises all over his body, Francine proved herself to be slightly more skilled, and the only thing which kept Laufeyson alive was his magic. She was able to disarm him and pin his restless body on the floor, and in a blink of an eye, her sword was firmly placed in his neck.

F: There is only one way to get out of here alive, marry me!
L: Never!

You looked over your shoulders to see Loki risking his life for your love. That couldn't be it... that's not how things end! You stood up and walked in their direction with a red mist in your hand. When you got close enough, you aimed your unstable magic on Francine. Your attack was interrupted by someone shouting, which called everyone's attention. It was Frigga.

Y: She's gonna kill him!
F: You know you can't do that Y/N...
L: What are you talking about?

Loki's trembling voice came out as a whisper.

F: Y/N... she is pregnant!

For a second, Francine took her eyes out of Loki, which gave him the perfect opportunity to stab her in the belly. She was now moaning in pain, laid down alone in the cold and grassy floor.

F: I have always loved you Loki...

Those were her last words. Although, Loki didn't even hear as his mind was still confused about what his mother had said. He ran towards you and gave you a tight hug by your waist while your arms were surrounding his neck.

L: Is that true darling? Are we having a baby?

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