Chapter 7 - The announcement

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Today is May 6 and I know I promised to write everyday. I'm really sorry, I won't be able to do it because I've got so many things accumulated to do 🥺
F = Frigga or Francine | O = Odin


F: Hi! You must be Prince Loki, right?
L: Yes, and you are Lady Francine?
F: That's me, nice to meet you your majesty.
L: Just Loki please, It is great to finally meet you dear.
F: Oh, then you shall call me just Francine!

Wow... they got along really well

Loki took her hand and gave it a small kiss. You could see her blushing which made you slightly jealous. They walked towards the table and he pulled the chair for Francine.

F: Thanks Loki, you're too kind!

After some minutes...

Waitress were bringing a great amount of food with a huge variety of colors and flavors. When everything was settled down, the feast began. The sounds of cutlery and wine glasses slightly touching made you relax. A couple minutes later, Odin slowly stood up and began to speak.

O: Ladies and gentleman, I am immensely grateful for your presence. I gathered you all here because I have an important announcement to make by the end of our dinner. By now, feel free to enjoy this special banquet.

A waitress brought the finest Asgardian wine and served to the guests.

( mind connexion )

Y: I want that wine so bad!
L: I'm sorry little one...
Y: I told you Loki, don't worry about me. I want you to enjoy the party! But... would you mind describing the wine for me?

He let out a small giggle.

L: Of course, darling. The wine is nicely sweetened and has a woody touch. Also, it's red color reminds me of the book you are always reading.
Y: Wow, how do you remember that?
L: I like to pay attention at the details of the ones I care about...

( end of mind connexion )

Gosh, did he just say that he cares about me?

When dinner was over...

F: Everyone is done my love, shall we begin the announcement?
O: Of course sweetheart.

Odin took a last sip of wine and cleared his throat before speaking.

O: My dear guests, without further ado, we wanted to announce that... Loki and Francine are getting married!

What the hell is he talking about?

Everybody stood up and applauded. Loki was extremely confused and Francine was just excited. He tried to keep his head down, avoiding eye contact, but the lady lifted his chin up with her cold fingers, making him face her again. She looked at him in the eyes then moved her gaze to his lips. Francine slowly approached and gave him a kiss. Loki was speechless.

( mind connexion )

Y: What the hell Loki? Why didn't you tell me you were engaged?
L: Wait Y/N! That's not what you think!
Y: Shut up Loki... I was dumb to think that there was something between us...

( end of mind connexion )

In my entire life, he was the only person I really felt something for...

Red mist appeared in your hands as anger filled your body. It was too powerful, you couldn't control it for any longer. Suddenly, you fell on your knees and the magic inside you exploded, hitting every single object inside the cell. You ran towards your bed and burst out crying. Indescribable pain filled your chest. He was cruel with you since the beginning, making you fall in love with him just so he could break your fragile heart. Your tears were endless, so you cried until you fell asleep in your cold and silent room, which seemed really empty without the presence of Loki.

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