Chapter 5 - The invitation

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Today is May 3 and thanks for everyone reading this story ❤️

Loki POV

Frigga suddenly appeared and the three of you looked at her.

L: Hi mother, it is nice to see you!
F: My beloved sons! And may I ask you, who is this ravishing lady?
T: This is Y/N mother, the girl I told you about.
Y: Hello your majesty.

You respectfully bowed to her.

F: That's not necessary my dear, if my sons are acquaintances to you then you shall call me Frigga!
Y: Nice to meet you Frigga!

After some minutes of small talk...

The queen whispered in Thor's ear: what is happening between the two?
Thor shrugged his shoulders in response.

F: Well son, I came here to tell you that your father is requesting your presence in the next royal party. He already gave the guards permission for you to leave the dungeons for one night.
L: Oh really? I am honored!
F: And there is one more thing, he wants you to escort a lady!
T: Anyone in mind brother?

Loki immediately looked at you with his deep green eyes but your sight was fixed on a book, although you were paying attention to every single word they said.

Y/N is the one and only person I can think of, she has been on my mind since her arrival. This is my chance to get closer to her!Although, it is certain that the allfather is not going to aprove the release of a prisoner he barely knows...

F: Oh wait, sorry Loki, I forgot to tell you that your father has already chosen the girl.
L: But...
F: I know my boy, I wish he had gave you the choice... the girl is lady Francine, daughter of Asgard's greatest warrior.

I knew my father wasn't just being kind, there are always political interests behind these parties...

Loki glanced at you again, but this time you had a downhearted expression on your face.

F: Would you mind taking Loki with you tonight Thor?
T: Not at all. Be ready at 8 pm brother.

Thor and Frigga left the dungeons and so the place became silent again.

L: Y/N?
Y: Yes?
L: Can I tell you something?
Y: Go on.
L: I kinda wanted to take y-you to the party...
Y: Why would the Prince of Asgard want to escort a lady like me?
L: Because I like you little one...

You approach the glass to look at him.

Y: I like you too Loki...
L: I am sorry that I couldn't invite you to the party.
Y: Don't worry about me, you should go and have fun.

Both of you smiled but it soon got awkward, so you went back to the chair where you were reading your book. Sometimes, you couldn't avoid looking at each other, and as soon as your eyes met, both hearts started racing.

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