11. His personal doctor

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People say that we can never change our destiny or fate. Life is full of surprises. I really didn't care about it because i always thought that i will write my own destiny. My life is in my control. But for the first time i was proved wrong.

I looked at the man sitting infront of me. I really want to strangle him with my bare hands. I looked down at the paper in my hand. I sighed and signed my name on the document. I felt like i wasn't signing my name but freedom.

It was almost 1 month since that dinner party and everything was normal. I was really happy about it. My life was moving smoothly and i wished that my peace isn't disturbed. I really thought that everything is fine in my life until i was proved wrong.

Today when i was signing some important documents the devil himself walked inside my cabin.
And that devil is none other than the great Andrew Knight!!!
I wasn't shocked to see him because i knew that he will contact sooner or later but the next thing what he did definitely shocked me.

He asked me to be his personal doctor for 3 months and even brought a contract with him to make sure that i don't go back on my words. I would have simply rejected his offer but he used my sister.

Bloody Bastard!!!

He told me that he will leave Amelia and won't interfere in her life if i accepted to be his personal doctor. Like i will trust him. I know better than anyone else that this is a trap. But sometimes we need get in that problem to solve that problem. So that's what i did. I willingly walked inside his trap. I want to know what he is upto i need to spent more time with him.
"I will sent my driver to pick you tomorrow" he spoke with a victorious smile on his face.
Be happy till it last because soon i will destroy your happiness.

When i saw him walking out of my cabin i sighed in relief.
Tomorrow he will send a driver to pick me up.
Shit!!! How will i convince Evelyn. She will never allow me move in with Andrew.
I took a deep breath and tried to control my emotions. First i need to submit my leave application in the hospital and then i will make a plan to convince Evelyn.
I packed all my stuff and left office.
I got inside the car and started driving towards the hospital.

I directly walked towards the chief surgeon cabin when i reached hospital.
Jacob Smith a young and talented surgeon who is the son of the chairman of this hospital and my boss.

I knocked at the door and waited for his permission. When he permitted me i entered the room with a smile.
"Good morning Dr. Athena " he greeted me politely.
"Morning Dr. Smith " i replied while giving him the leave application.
"You're taking 3 months leave can i ask you why???" He asked.
"Ummm...well today morning Mr. Andrew Knight gave me a offer to be his personal doctor and i took his offer " i replied

He nodded his head in understanding while signing the paper. When he was done signing the leave application he gave me the paper back. I gave him a grateful smile and turned around to leave.
I stopped walking when i heard him saying something.
"How is Amelia???"

Finally!!! I was waiting to hear this question for a long time.
"She is good infact i met her last month only. Lance and Amelia looked amazing together. " i replied
He nodded his head and gave me a smile. But i can still see sadness in his eyes.

I walked out of the room with a smile. Don't worry Jacob once i am done with Andrew i will come back to you. I won't let anyone hurt my sister.

I sat inside the car and started driving towards the mall. I need a full proof plan to convince Evelyn. Maybe i should cook for her, afterall she loves my cooking. I should buy a dress for her to bribe her little bit more. I don't know if my plan will work or not but there is no harm in trying.

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