55. Promises

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Fear?? What exactly is fear? I would have never understood the meaning of this word if I was not in this situation. I feel so helpless and hopeless. I couldn't do anything to stop them. I simply watched them kidnapping Athena. This all is my fault if I was stronger than Athena won't have got kidnapped.

I came back to my sense when I saw the van drove away. I need to save Athena. I quickly searched for my purse. I found my purse lying near the car tyre. I took out my phone and dialed Ashton's number. He picked the call on the third ring.

"they....kidnapped...Athena" I sobbed. Ashton consoled me and told me to wait. He will pick me up in few minutes. Within few minutes Ashton came to pick me up. We went to home together. The whole ride to home I was crying. I could'n stop my tears no matter how hard I try.

Ashton made me sit on the sofa and went inside the kitchen to bring a glass of water for me. After drinking the water I felt better.

"what exactly happened Eve?" he asked. I took a deep breathe and started narrating the whole incident. Ashton didn't interrupted me except nodding his head now and then. After I was done speaking I waited for Ashton to say something.

"don't worry we will find Athena" he said.

"but how we don't even know where they took her?" I said.

"do you remember Athena always wear a sapphire pendant" he asked.

"yes it was the same pendant that her mom gave to her. That's why she removes it" I said.

"somehow I was able to get my hand on that pendant and inserted a small tracker in it. When you told me about Athena's kidnapping I asked Kate to track it." He explained. Before I could say anything Ashton's phone started ringing and he went to pick up the call. After few minutes he came back and said

"we have tracked down Athena" he informed and I sighed in relief. Thank god we were able to find Athena. "where have they taken her?" I asked. "there is a abandoned factory on the outskirt of the city" he replied. After that he decided to leave to rescue Athena.

"I will also come with you" I said. He shook his head in no and said "no Eve I can't put your life in gender. You stay here and wait for us" that's true if I go with them I will be liability instead of an asset.

"Ashton promise me that you will bring Athena back" I said while holding his hand. "I promise" he said while wiping my tears. He gave me a hug and then left.

I sat down on the sofa and buried my face in my hand as tears dropped down from my eyes. I can still remember when I met Athena for the first time. I was around twelve and Athena was around eight years old. I closed my eyes and old memories flashes in front of my eyes.


Today is a happy and sad day for me. Happy because today I am going to meet my father. Although I always I knew who is my father but I never got the chance to met him. And not to mention I am going to met my siblings. Can you believe I have two sister and one brother. Ashton, Amelia, and Athena are my siblings. I am only one year elder from Ashton and Amelia so I don't feel like a elder sister but with Athena I am almost four years elder.

I am also sad that my siblings lost their mother today. Today I am going to the funeral and there will I met my family for the first time. Everyone are so sad and crying. I can see tears in Athena's eyes and it really hurts me. After the funeral ceremony Athena disappeared inside the house. I really want to talk to her but I don't know how? Will she like me?? With these question in my mind I walked inside the mansion to find Athena.

After searching for half an hour I finally found her sitting on the bed in a dark room. From the door I can clearly see a small figure sitting on the bed and crying. It really hurts me to see her like this. I want to console but I know that she needs this.

She lost her mother and has the right to cry. I stood on the entrance of the room silently simply looking at her. If someone asked me to describe Athena in two words then I would say a 'broken queen'. She is a queen but a broken one. That was the first time I met Athena and instantly had a connection with her.

That day I made a promise to myself that I would never let Athena cry again. I will destroy the person you will be the reason for tears in my baby sister's eyes. She meant everything to me. My life runs around her.


I was brought back to reality when my phone starts ringing. When I saw the caller id I simply ignored the call. But that person continues to call me. I finally gave up and picked the call

"what the hell is wrong with you. I told you clearly I don't want to talk to you" I yelled angrily.

"look it was a mistake and regret it. Don't call ever again. I don't want to have any kind of relationship with you" with these I hung up the call. Tears rolls down my eyes. I don't understand when did my life became so complicated. I was just cursing my life when my phone started ringing again. I thought that person is again calling me but when I saw the caller id I realized that Ashton is calling me.

I quickly picked the call and when I heard his words I felt like someone stabbed me right in my heart, for few second heart stopped beating.

"Athena has been shot"....


Hey my lovely readers,

So what do you think about today's chapter. Tell me your view in the comments section. And don't forget to vote, comment and like. I know it's a very short chapter but don't worry i will upload the next chapter very soon.

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