34. Sister's Love

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"Congratulation Ma'am " my secretary said
"Thanks" i replied.
Finally after 1 month hard labor i finally won the case. I am so happy about it.

I should tell Athena about it. Maybe we can go out on a dinner. It has been so long since we spent sometime together. And soon she going to get married too.

I quickly took my phone and dialed her number. But her phone was switched off. Strange Athena never keeps her phone off maybe her battery is dead.

After few minutes i was going to call her again when all of sudden my phone started ringing and Amelia was the one who was calling me.

"Hello lia" i greeted her
"Hi, can you come to Andrew house right now?" She said
"Why?? What happened?" I said. I hope everything is fine.

"I will send you the address. Come here i tell you everything "  With these she hung up the call.

Within few seconds a message came on my phone. I really don't know but i am not having a good feeling about this. I hope everything is ok. With these thoughts in my mind i walked out of my office.

It took me 1 hour to reach Andrew's mansion since he leaves on the other side of the city. Thank god there was no traffic.

I parked my car and walked towards the main door. I rang the bell and in few minutes a maid opened the door. The maid escorted me towards the living room. This is my first time coming here.

I walked inside the living room and found Mom, Dad, grandpa, grandma and Amelia sitting with a serious expression on there face but the person i wanted to see is not present here.

"Where is Athena??" I asked. But then i remembered something

"Oh she must be in the office right, she is such a...." Amelia cut me off by saying
"No she isn't in the office "

"Then where she is" i asked. Everyone looked so serious like something big happened. No i am thinking too much.
"Something happened" Amelia said
"What?" This suspense is really killing me.

"I and Amelia love each other " Andrew said. I was shocked was an understatement.
"Stop joking ok" i said irritatingly. Is this the time to joke.

"I am serious Evelyn" Andrew said in a serious tone. I looked towards Amelia and found her looking at the floor.

I can't believe this is happening. How can Amelia do this with Athena?? Have she lost het mind??

"Where is she now??" I asked
"I don't know. She just walked away after she found out about us" Andrew replied.

Oh my god!! Athena must have been do hurt. I can't even imagine what she is going through now. I need to find her afterall she need a shoulder to cry right now.

"Where do you think she must have gone?" Amelia asked.
I am damn sure that she didn't went to our mansion or to her penthouse. As much as i know my sister she must have gone to someplace where no one can find her.

"I am not sure about it but i think she went to the cabin. There is a cabin she built on outskirts of the city in a forest" i said.
"Don't worry i will tell my men to find about it " Andrew said.

When i heard his voice my blood started boiling with anger. Because of him my sister is missing.
"I don't need your help to find my sister " i snapped at him.
"Evelyn now is not to time to get angry. " Amelia said but i ignored her words

"Look Eve, Andrew has the resource that can help to find Athena " she said. As much as i want to deny the fact but it's true Andrew has the power and resources to find Athena sooner. So i decided to keep my anger aside for my sister.

"Ok fine" i said.
Andrew with few bodyguards went to search for Athena. I just hope he is successful in finding her.

I am so angry right now. I am more angry on myself for been so careless. I was so busy in my life that i didn't bother check on my sister. Athena may try to be strong from outside but i  know from inside she is so broken.

I looked Amelia. How can she do this with her own sister??

I angrily walked towards her and said
"How can you do this with your own sister "
"I am sorry " she said in a low voice.

"What are you sorry?? For stealing your sister's fiancee" i snapped.
"You have everything Amelia but you still have to steal your sister's happiness. Aren't you ashamed of yourself " i yelled at her.

"That's enough Evelyn " Mom shouted
"No mom today i won't shut my mouth. No matter what you do " i said.
I can't believe even after everything Mom is telling me to be quiet.

"Evelyn stop been so immature " Grandpa said.
"If i am immature then what is Amelia a homewrecker " i said.
"Eve she is your sister " Grandma tried to make me calm. But today i won't listen to anyone.
"Athena is also my sister " i said.

"And by the grandpa you must be happy that Athena ran away. Afterall you never liked her" i said. I can see hurt in his eyes but i ignored it. My sister is missing and i really don't know what to do.

I sighed and sat on the sofa.
"I really regret what i did. But you need understand i had my reasons " Amelia said in a calm voice.
"And i don't want to know your reasons " i said.

Amelia passed a glass of water. I unwillingly accepted the glass of water. I just hope Athena safe. Please god keep her safe.

I closed my eyes and a picture of her smiling face appeared. Athena where are you??

I looked down at my hand. A smile crept on my face when i saw the bracelet on my wrist. I caressed the bracelet. It's the same bracelet that Athena gifted me on my 18th birthday. She customized this matching bracelet for her and me.

Athena you always cared for me so much

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Athena you always cared for me so much. You always made sure that i am happy. My happiness was always her main priority. And what did i did?? I couldn't even protect you properly.

I promised you that i will never let anyone hurt but i couldn't keep my promise. I am such a useless sister.

Please be save Athena. I don't want anything except for your safety. I promise Athena that i won't let anyone hurt  you or take you for granted. And this time i won't break my promise....


Hey my lovely readers,
So what do you think about today's chapter?? Tell me what are view about Evelyn's character. And do you think Andrew will be able to find Athena?? And don't forget to like, comment and share.

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