33. Love is an illusion

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3 months later....

I sighed in frustration. Documents after documents. They never stop coming.

I am so damn tired but it was necessary. Only week is left for my wedding and there are so many things that i need to take care of.

But honestly, i am very excited for my wedding. I can't wait to spend my whole life with him.

I turn around and pressed a button under my desk. The curtains automatically rolled up letting me see the view infront of me see the view of city in front of me.

Cars drove by everywhere, looking like ants and people came and left looking like small dots from way up here.

Hours passed and signed one of the last documents. After this i could go back to my house.

I am doing overtime so that i can go on a 1 month honeymoon with Andrew. He is also doing overtime. We are not able to spend much time with each other. But it's ok we have one whole month to spend with each other.

Andrew didn't told me where he is taking me  for honeymoon. It's a Suprise for me and i am very excited with it.

I looked at the time and thought to leave for the house. I will complete the remaining work tomorrow. With these thoughts in my mind I walked out of the office.

I parked my car in the garage and walked towards the main door. Maybe i should cook dinner for Andrew. But first i will take a long warm bath. With these thoughts i walked inside the house but i wasn't ready for the scene infront of me.

What the hell is she doing here?? And most importantly why is Amelia crying??

Amelia is hugging Andrew and she is continously crying. I hope everything is fine. I swear i will kill Lance if he is the reason behind her tears.

I quickly walked towards them but i stopped walking when i heard the words left her mouth.

"I really need your help. Please...help me" Amelia spoke.

Help??? What's going on??

"I really care for you Amelia. Don't worry i will help you " Andrew said
I am not having a good feeling about this. I trust Amelia but the way they both are behaving right now is not giving any good vibes.

I should go and directly talk to them instead making my own theories.
"What's going on??" I asked.
Amelia was shocked to me and she quickly made some distance between Andrew and her.

"Why are crying??" I asked her.
"Athena i am sorry " she said.
Why is she apologizing me? I can see guilt in her eyes. What she is guilty about? There can be only one reason but i don't want to believe it.

I know my sister she can never do something like this. Please God tell me this is a lie.

"Athena i and Amelia love each other "
Those words were like slow poison for me which is killing me slowly and slowly. I can't help but feel heartbroken. Why is this happening with me?? Why?? My eyes filled with tears but somehow i was able to stop them. I can't cry right now. I won't cry for someone who doesn't value my precious tears.

"Athena..please forgive me " Amelia said while crying. If it was some other time i would have hugged Amelia and consoled her. I hate to see tears in her eyes. But now situation is different.

"Do you love him" i asked her. I want to hear it from her mouth.
"Yes" she replied in a low voice.

That's all i need to hear. I have to be strong. I can't fall weak at least not right now. Andrew always loved Amelia and now finally Amelia also fell in love with him. I close my eyes and took a deep breath.

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