39. The price of Happiness

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Pregnant?? How is this possible.

I was so shocked after hearing this news that the wine glass fell from my hand and broke into million pieces just like my heart.

How can she do this with me?? It all makes sense right now. No wonder Mom and Dad were in a hurry for Andrew's and Amelia's engagement because she is pregnant with Andrew's child.

"Athena you're fine? I shouldn't have informed you about it" Evelyn said. I took a Deep breath.
"Don't worry I am fine and this is not something that could have hidden , sooner or later i would have found about it" i said with a blank face.

"It's getting quite i think we should sleep " i said. Evelyn nodded her head and went to her room not before wishing me goodnight.

When i walked out of the balcony a glass piece pierced into my skin making me scream in pain

Blood started coming from my wound. Oh shit!! I forgot about the glass i broke. I took few deep breaths. This pain is nothing in comparison to the pain i am feeling by my sister's betrayal.

With lots of difficulty i walked towards the bed and sat on it. I took the first kit from drawer and started treating my wounds. It took 10mins to bandage my wounds and after that i cleaned the mess in the balcony.

I really don't know why is this happening with me?? Why is God taking my test like this. I walked inside the closet and in the corner there are some old albums kept. I took one of them and walked towards the sofa.

Tears rolled down my eyes when i saw my childhood photos. How close we were back then just like a perfect family and now everything has changed. My own sister slept with my fiancee. She betrayed me.

Why ???? Why is this happening with me.?? What wrong did i ever did.

I love my siblings so much i can do anything for their happiness. My all sacrifice and love for her wasn't enough that she betrayed me like this. If she even asked for my life i would given her that with a smile on my face but what she did she betrayed me.

For the first time in many years i thought about my happiness. For first time i became selfish. Why the hell did i fell in love with him.

Falling in love with him was a mistake. Why do i have to love a guy who loved my sister. From all the people in this world i have to love a guy who wasn't mine on the first place.

I should have known my happiness wasn't going to last.
I should have known that happiness wasn't for me.
I should have known that he wasn't for me.

My happiness always had a price and this time i need to pay the price in form of my sister.

This loneliness is my best friend. At least it never leaves my side. After everything i am alone once again.

I have no idea what to do?? The pain of betrayal is too much. Tears burned at the back of my eyes.

Then i cried

I cried so hard that i didn't even made a sound.

I have no idea when i fell asleep. Next day, i woke when the sun rays hit my eyes disturbing my Sleep. I stretched my arms and legs. Last night i fell asleep on sofa and that's why my body is aching very badly. I can feel some pain in my leg but it's better than last night. Anyways i need to get ready for office.

I walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. When i looked at my reflection in my mirror i was shocked i was no my eyes no longer expressive brown eyes they used to be.They are filled with sadness whirling like a maelstrom sucked every ounce of energy i had. I look like someone who walked out of a grave.

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