58. Dreams

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I really don't know what to do? My hands are tied or else i would have killed that Bastard!!!

How can he even think to hurt my princess. He will pay for his mistake. I want to destroy him right now. But now is not the right time. I wasn't able to control my anger that's why I walked out of the room.

My fist my clenched in anger and i wanted to destroy everything that came in my way. I took few deep breaths to compose myself. After few minutes I was back to normal.

At that time i saw a familiar figure walking towards me. I clenched my fist in anger when i realized who she was? What the hell is she doing here?? I walked towards her and took hold of her hand. I dragged her away from Athena's room. She was wriggling but i tightened my grip on het elbow.

I dragged towards a isolated area of the hospital and pushed her against the wall.
"What the hell are you doing here??" I yelled.
"I heard...about Athena so i thought to check on her " she stammered.
"To make sure whether she's dead or not" i said.

"No Ashton why're you saying like this" she said.
"Oh please Jessica stop your drama " i yelled. Her eyes fills with tears.
"I don't know...but i came as a friend not an enemy " she said while wiping her tears. I laughed at her words.

"Isn't this interesting? Brother tries to kill my sister and the sister comes to show sympathy " i said.
"What....do you...mean?" She asks
"Don't try to act INNOCENT!!!" I yelled and punched the wall beside her. She closes her eyes in fear.

She was literally shaking in fear. Her whole body was shaking. Am i that scary?? She slowly open her eyes. Her big doe eyes were filled with tears.

I feel a hurt when i saw her eyes filled with tears. I never meant to scare her. I was just angry and she became a victim of anger. I felt pang in my chest when i realized i am reason behind her tears.

"I don't....know....what are you talking about but i will never hurt Athena. She is like a big sister for me" she said nervously. I took a step back to maintain some distance between us.
"Your brother is the reason behind why my sister is lying on the hospital bed" i said.

"No Andrew can never hurt Athena trust me. There must be some misunderstanding " she said.
"I am not one who is saying this. Athena told me about it. Do you think Athena will lie somethin like this. That too about Andrew" i said.

"Athena said this...maybe" she said in a very low voice. If i wasn't standing near then would've never heard what she is saying. She looked confused and hurt.
"Can i please met Athena " she asked.
"No" i said sternly.

"Please...." i cut her off by saying
"You might not be an enemy to my sister but you're a Knight and i won't any Knight come near my sister. So leave"

"Please try to....." she said
"I said LEAVE!!!" i yelled. She flinched when i raised my voice. She nodded her head slowly and turned around to leave.

I closed my eyes and took few deep breaths.
Shit!!! What have i done?? I knew that Jessica is innocent but still i yelled on her. I punishment her for her brother's mistake.

And i even told her that i knew the mastermind behind all this Andrew. Now she will tell everything to Andrew. But it doesn't real matters. We are not taking any serious action against Andrew.

I looked at Jessica who was walking away. Sometimes i can't believe someone like Jessica is part of Knight family. She is so sweet and innocent while the Knight family is filled with snakes.

But i need keep am eye on her. I can't trust her afterall she is a Knight.


Tears burned at the back of my eyes, threatening to fall as i clenched my fist tighter. I can't believe Andrew can do something like this.

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