Chapter Don't Even Care

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Taylor's pov

"I am so mad at you guys right now! You had me scared to death!" I yelled laughing at Syd.

"Ya but you pasted the exam!" she replied as the other J.As and us walked out of the training dome.

"Ya but you guys pretended to be kidnapped, had the avengers dress up as Hydra agents who wanted you all killed, and had JARVIS disabled! Dude! Don't disable JARVIS! What hydra agent would be able to hack JARVIS!?" I replied pissed off.

"Hey, Taylor... You're one of us now! We just wanted to make sure that you could deal with a situation like that!" James interrupted explaining what happened and why they did it.

"Still doesn't mean you can pretend to be Hydra!!! Hydra for god sakes! Dude in the past three months I've gone from having a normal life to having my mother put in a coma, almost being kidnapped and turned evil by Loki, found out I was the daughter of a billionaire, AND I moved into the same building as the F*cking Avengers! You could have maybe send me over the edge of insanity!" I replied back ranting on and on.

"Tay, you went over that edge years ago," Jill chuckled.

I glared at my best friend as we continued to walk down the hall. Jill just rolled her eyes at me.

"So who wants to celebrate by making Milkshakes and watching a movie!?" Syd intruded.

A choir of "Sure," "Ya" "I'm down with that" responded.

Soon we all had milkshakes, popcorn, and other assorted snacks and had built a fort out of blankets and pillows infront of the tv before settling in.

"What movie show we watch?" Asked Jill.

Their was a moment of silence before the storm.



"How about Jurassic Park?!"

"No! We should watch The Lion King"

"No Tess! We should see the lord of the rings!!!"

"How about me and Jill choose because it is a celebration movie day for us?" I suggested.

"Ya! We should get the pick!" Jill stated backing me up.

"Fine...." all the J.A.s groaned and mumbled at the same time.

Me and jill looked to each other already knowing that the other wanted to watch.

"HARRY POTTER MOVIE MARATION!!!" we squealed in delight.

"Oh god... No more potter heads please!!" Dustin groaned, "First Syd, then Alva, and now you two.... Any movie marathon but that...."

"If we can't watch Harry Potter then we will have a MMM." I stated back.

"Oh no... not a MMM" Jill painiced

"What the hell is an MMM?" Syd asked.

Jill glared at Syd for asking and I smirked before speaking.

"Syd, my dear friend, and MMM is a.... (Drum roll please) MARVEL MOVIE MARATION!" I shouted pumping my fists in the air with each word.

Jill groaned at this, "No.... You've put me through like 10 of these! and that was excluding the entire universe!"

"What do you main by the entire universe?" James asked as he sipped is chocolate milkshake.

"The entire universe means we watch ALL marvel movies, whether it be x-men or fantastic four." I stated plainly.

"I'm down with an MMM, just as long as it's the MCU only, if we did every movie that would take like 2 days." Syd replied nodding her head in approval.

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