Chapter 13

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Taylor's pov.

"Alright.. bring it wolverine!" I hissed at him.

Some how wolverine had gotten me into the avengers training room/dome to test my powers.

"ya sure kid? I mean what weapon have you touched before?" Logan asked me.

I growled thinking about it before responding,"what weapon haven't I touched?"

he raised an eyebrow at me," well first off... My claws. Second off a bow probably, maybe a knife, oh and knuncks." He listed off weapons that I hadn't touched in my lifetime.

"alright alright fine I get the point! Can you just start? maybe one I have touched will appear in my mind or hand." I asked letting my sass leak a little.

"don't give me sass like your father Stark..." he growled at me.

"Don't treat me like you're in my life to control my sass.... that's your daughter's job." I replied back smirkng.

He revealed his adamantiam claws and started running towards me. 


I dodged him thinking of any weapon that I had touched in my life... and do you know what came to my mind? A STUPID FRYING PAN! 


And I can't believe it and Stupid frying pan appeared in my hand!

"Really? that's not even a weapon!" wolverine spat coming at me with his claws.

In an instant I held the pan up and slapped his hand away quickly hitting him on the head a good two or three times before backing off.

"I believe you said anything that can be used in a fight is a weapon mr.claws." I replied back letting my sass come out. 

He stood rubbing his head for a good 20 seconds before coming at me again.

The pan disappeared and instead a vibranium sword appeared in my hand. 

"How the hell did you touch a sword!?" he asked surpriced while I fended him off with the indistructable sword.

"Went to Wakanda on a class trip, got dared to touch it in a muesum. Really long story once I go into detail. I believe I had to fight off a crowd of hungry baboons with it." I replied.

He raised an eyebrow before swinging his own pair of blades at me.

I jumped out of the way letting the sword disapper back to the muesum in Africa.

After about 10 minutes of making the pan and sword reappear and disappear in my hand Multiple times. Wolverine finally gave up.

"you know kid I've had shorter fights with sabertooth." he commented out of breath.

"And that means?" I questioned.

"That means... I want to know who the F*ck your teacher is/was." he replied.

"You really want to know?" I responded getting a nod back, "Your daughter wolfzy." 

"She taught You how to kick butt?" He asked.

I nodded smirking before waking out of the room to go mopp and look for a video game to play.

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