Chapter ?

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Third persons pov.

"UGH!" the cry echoed through the dark hallways of the prison. It was quickly followed with the sound of something large hitting a concrete wall and then another cry of battle and another hitting sound.

All the racket was coming from a man with shaggy brown hair and a goatee.

He punched and pounded the wall with everything he had, which wasn't a lot.

I don't know if you have already guessed but this person, was Tony Stark.

He pounded and crashed into a concrete wall, desperate to get out of his holding cell that Loki had put him in.

"Give it up Stark!" Yelled Clint Barton from across the aisle who chained to the wall by one long leg cuff that was laced with magic, making it impossible to escape for even the worlds greatest marksmen.

"No can do Legolas!" Tony replied as he leaned on the wall, trying to push it out of place. "I have to get back to her, I have to get back to Pepper and Taylor."

"And I have to get back to Sydney and Bobbi! But you don't see me wasting my energy on a wall that I can't move!" Clint snapped back. He was pissed. His daughter had been taken from him, once again might I add, and his Wife was located somewhere in another part of the ceil. Probably locked up with Natasha. Why was he the one that had to get stuck with Stark?

"Ugh... You're right Katniss..."Tony groaned sliding down the wall he was leaning on into a sliding postion, "It's just that I just got Taylor back and I don't want to lose her again."

"I know where You're coming from... When me and bobbi found out Taylor was alive we were so worried that someone would come and take her away from us. We felt what you're feeling right now during the Sabertooth incident incident." Clint explained.

"I had forgotten about that.. you guys had just gotten her back when Sabertooth kidnapped her as a hostage to bait Wolverine... You guys were so angry and were in chaos. Your were.... you were like me now." Tony sighed.

Clint nodded at Tony's relization that he was not alone in this feeling.

"What do we do then?" Tony sighed running his hands through his hair.

"We wait... and pray to god that non of the kids have been hurt."


Taylor's pov.

"Let's go to the mall!" Jill sang loudly into my right ear.

"We are at the mall you idiot!" I snapped at her pretty sure I had lost my hearing in one ear.

"I know but I felt that we needed background music." Jill responded.

"Remind me why we are at the mall?" I asked turning to Syd.

"Because we need to get our mind off our parents, plus if we are trying to ack like they are just in space we need to follow tradition." Syd responded.

"And what tradition is that?" I asked.

"Whenever the Avenegers go on a mission in space we always steal Uncle Tony's credit card and go shopping." Syd explained.

Both me and Jill nodded understanding what she was going at.

Syd wanted to get my mind off the avengers. She did too. Maybe she thought that shopping was the best thing we could get our minds off of it.

"Where to first?" I sighed.

"American Eagle?" Jill suggested.

"Sure," I answered, Syd nodding in agreement.

The three of us walked towards American Eagle when I felt a hand placed on my left shoulder.

I tensed up immediately freezing at the touch of the hand.

Suddenly I felt instincts take over, I grab the hand of the stranger and turned around twisting it badly on the verge of braking it with a simple tug of my shoulder if I wanted to.

"ow ow ow ow!" The stranger hissed in pain.

I quickly looked over the stranger and almost immediately recognized the girl.

"Alva!" I replied in glee hugging her tightly after letting go of her hand.

"Thank you," she stated holding her wrist as she hugged me back.

Jill and Syd didn't notice that I had stopped walking until now And had just turned around to see me with Alva.

"ALVA!" they both yelled at the same time before running over to her and hugged her tightly.

"You're ok!" Jillian cheered jumping up and down in delight.

"Ya..." Alva gulped as if she was hiding something from us.

"Alva... what's going on?" I asked immiditly picking up the vides she was giving off.

"Loki is going t." She started. She never finished.

She was quickly cut off by the sound of an exploding bomb.

We were all thrown back. I don't exactly what happened next but I do remember the world spinning. I remember seeing Alva be protected from the and Jill along with Syd being thrown through the window of what I think was the Godiva store. And the last thing I remember seeing before I blacked out was the smirking face of a Villian.

Of Loki.

HEY guys! I know it's short. Sorry But I needed to give you guys a chapter and give you some UPDATES.

As of right now. I am most likley going to do a sequal! YAY! But I need help. SO I need one of you! I am going to enlist one of you to be my editor and idea passer! This means that I will run my plans of the second by you as well as give you chapters a head of time!

ALSO! If I am to do a sequal I will be taking about a half a month to a month break after this book is finished to get ahead in writing!

So if you want to become my Editor and Passer Comment below! I will then send you a short list of questions to answer so I can get a good idea on how good you will be as a partner for this! THANKS!

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