Chapter 5

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James pov.

The building rumbled beneath us rocking the entire structure.

We could hear the screams of students as the floor started to buckle and open up with large cracks all over.

"J.A.s!" I shouted using the short cut way for Junior Avengers, " suit up! Help the students out of the building! Pim I want you to contact Dustin, Tess and Alva right away! Get the asgardians out here! get Tess on coms! Syd! Your with me! The Avengers got the school, you and me? We are going to see what's causing this!" I yelled taking the leadership position like I was suppose to. I was Captain America's son for God sakes.

Pim nodded shrinking down out of his normal clothes to his wasp size. He wore his superhero suit and went by Hornet as his superhero name.

His suit was yellow and black and looked like a version of the yellow jacket uniform.

I pulled off my school clothes to reveal my superhero outfit. It was a suit like my dad's but instead of the classic captain America uniform it was many black. on the left side of my chest and a giant white star with blue and red outlining that covered about half of my chest even going onto my black. the watch I wore on my arm turned into my holographic shield projector. I didn't bother with a mask. I was known as Dark Eagle.

I looked to Syd who had changed into her uniform. She was wearing an outfit like hawkeye (the female version). The only difference was that the top was full Length and not a crop top. It still hugged her body like a jumpsuit though. Her superhero name? It was hummingbird. If you thought about it it fit with her mutant ability.

"I have a visual on the situation!" I hear Dustin say through my ear piece. I see Syd did too.

"What's causing it?" I asked through the earpiece.

"It looks like a mutant. he's controlling the earth. Or at least causing an earthquake." Dustin replied back.

"It's like he's earthbending!" said Tess through the com-link.

Tess was our missions deployer, and tech girl for now. Until we either got Taylor on our team or until Tess was 13.

I looked to Syd to see if she knew of him, being our go to girl for mutants.

"I don't know of any guys currently, but knowing how many mutants there are... currently... it's way beyond possible." Syd explained to me.

"Alright... Tess? What's the plan?" I asked my sister as me and Syd ran out of the school.

"Dustin and Alva are flying. It seems like the way he's causing the earthquakes is by touching th ground by stomping or hitting something. If we can get the dude off the ground then the problem should be solved. " Tess replied totally not sounding like a 10 year old.

"Ay. It is a plan." replied Alva. Alva had been raised on the streets of asgard. who knew asgard had street people. Her mother abondened her as soon as her magic appeared disowning her. A little less then a year ago she was caught doing a good deed but was blamed for causing the incidence and brought in front of Odin and Thor. As soon as the two saw her they knew she was the daughter of Loki. After proving her worth she was given an offer. She could come to earth and train with the J.A.s and when she was worthy could be chosen to be a godess. she came to earth 8 months ago.

That explained her accent which never faded a bit. But she intergrated into the culture of earth easily, getting very popular on tumblr with 5,000 followers following her on her blogs.

"Agreed." added Dustin. Dustin had no acsent unlike his cousin. He always had lived with his mom on earth knowing that he was a demigod. Thor visited him every month until he was 16. That was around 2 years ago, the time the J.A. programed had started forming. Me and Dustin were the first J.A.s ever in the history of Avengers. His powers? He threw lighting around just like his father. But he could fly without mjolnir. Instead of a giant hammer to chuck he had lighting, but he could lift Mjolnir.

Me and Syd ran out into the fight straight away.


Taylor's pov.

I turned back to Tony Stark flipping my hair out of my face.

"And this is why I don't ditch school Mr.Stark. Things like villians trying to kidnap me happen when I leave school." I remarked at him.

I walked over to my mom to check on her. There were no wounds or anything on her. But her heart beat had spiked a bit.

"So why are you here? Professor X send you?" I asked him before he could say anything.

"Infact, yes he did. You are moving in with the Avengers. Most defintily." He told me.

I looked at him wide eyed. Me live with the avengers? That was like my dream fantasy but why?

"Alright Stark what's the deal?" I asked him, "You could send me to Fury and SHIELD for protection. The x-men to. But out of all people... why the avengers?"

He looked away trying not to answer the question.

Then my mind started working in it's genius mode. I replied what Loki said in my head.

"You wouldn't want to hurt your daughter." he had chuckled.

Daughter. He had said the word twice in the time Tony had been here. He also said I was one of his weaknesses besides his P.A. Daughter... Daughter.... DAUGHTER. I looked at my brown hair and compared it to his. Then my eyes. They were both the exact same.

"I want a blood test. And now." I replied sternly towards Tony Stark who raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened.

Hey guys! So to keep you updated and me in check I've besuded to put this book on a schedule, from now on I will be posting on Wensdays and Saturdays! (anytime during the day). And sadly, this is tomorrows update. But beware! If you help me and or vote I may just reward you may readers!

Chapter 6 is Comin2U soon! 

(lol see what I did there?)

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