Chapter 15

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Taylor pov.

"Jill?" I stuttered once more.

"Taylor!" Jill exclaimed running over to hug me.

I hugged her back speechless.

"Jill! Oh my god I'm so sorry that this happened!" I finally blurted out to her.

"Taylor.. you have nothing to be sorry about! I blame only Loki!" She said continuing to hug me.

I chuckled a little a tear coming out of my right eye.

"Taylor! Claws wants to see you for training in the." My father yelled walking into the room just to shut up at the sight of me and Jill.

"Alright girl. You have 5 second to explain who and what you are before I call the avengers together." Tony said ready to call the iron man suit.

"Tony! Don't! She's my friend Jill!" I interrupted stepping in between Tony and Jill.

"Tony?" Jill spoke at the same time Tony said, "Jill?"

I sighed in relief that neither of the two would be killed. Jill would have one in a fight with tony but if tony called the avengers then she would for sure lose and I wouldn't be able to stop it.

"Yes! Jill this is apperently my biological father, Tony Stark. Tony this is my best friend Jill. So no fight is needed here." I carefully explained.

"Tony Stark?" Jill stated again

"Jill?" Tony spoke.

"Yes! so stop argueing and standing there with your mouths hanging open like a fish!" I exclaimed.

Tony and Jill death glared me at the same time.

"See? You guys are already getting along!" I chuckled.

Jill rolled her eyes and Tony sighed.

"Taylor? Care to introduce me?" Syd stepped in.

"Oh ya! Jill... this is Sydney.. she's hawkeye and Mockingbird's daughter." I explained quickly.

"Nice to meet you Syd." Jill responded sticking her hand out to shake Syd's. I looked at her hands to see rope burns on her wrists that I had not noticed before. They were practically rose red and had markings like the back of a snake.

I looked at Syd to see if she had noticed them too and she nodded at me signaling that she had.

"Jill why don't we head to the medical room. It looks like those rope burns need attention." I commented.

Jill nodded not wanting to argue and walked with me to the elevator leaving Tony and Syd behind.

As soon as the Elevator door opened there stood Wovlerine arms crossed over his chest a frown upon his face.

"You have some explaining to do Mini Stark..." he growled.

"Dad...." Jill gasped


James's pov.

I walked down the hallway to Dustin's room. the dude had still not waken up and we were starting to worry like crazy. We hadn't told Taylor about Dustin yet so we tried to not talk about it. But we all knew that if he didn't wake up soon Thor would take him to Asgard for medical help.

I walked into the room to discover Alva sitting in one of the two visitor chairs in the medical room.

Alva looked up at me with sadness in her eyes.

"Hey James..." she spoke in a horse voice.

"Hey Alva..." I responded sitting down next to her, "he hasn't shown signs of waking up has he?"

Alva shook her head, "no..."

"You care about him a lot dont you... more then the rest of us do.."

Alva nodded, "yes... "

"Alva... I know this may not be a good time.. but can you tell me your story?" I asked her

She nodded.

"When I was found on the streets of Asgard by uncle Thor I trusted no royal or upper class asgardian. But Dustin... he changed that.. he welcomed me with open arms... You see James... the homeless on the streets of asgard... we are not very trust worthy or nice...

"I was only 2 months old when my mother dropped me at an orphanage... and in asgard Orphanages are rare... almost everyone on Asgard is a god... no child is unwanted. But there are the ones like me who are. At 5 years old the orphanage gives us to the black market to make room and space and money. I had never fit in in the orphanage... but in the market... I did... Loki would have been proud at that time to call me his daughter... But I wasn't proud of myself at all...

"I continued doing works like thieving and lying for the black market till about a year and a half ago... But my whole life changed for the better that day... I was assigned to steal from a royal caraige. In this time I had learned magic from the rejected wizards, mischif spells, pranks you would call them... I popped a wheel off the caraige... The Caraige toppled over... I almost killed three people that day... I was so afraid I ran, the first thing we are taught on the market is to never flee from the scene, it give you away. And they were right.

"I was quickly caught by royal guards and brought infront of the All father. I was lucky enough that day that Dustin was shadowing the king in preperation for his rule as king. Odin quickly could tell I was Loki's daughter, he ordered be to be exiled, stripped of my power. Dustin... he intervined, he stepped right in front of me standing between me and Odin and he said 'Grandfather... if she is the daughter of Loki she is my cousin. and we do not harm family do we? The only way she is like this is because of the life she has lived. She never got her change all father. Give her one now.'

Alva paused for a minute befor contining.

"Odin looked down at him and at me before specking, 'Dustin... you have been taught well by your father, she is a thief and a lier this girl, but you are right my grandchild, Loki was given a chance and he abused it. She has not been given one yet.' Dustin managed to convince Odin that I could be better, be given a chance to become a royal, a norse god... He saved me that day." Alva finsihed wiping tears from her eyes.

"Oh jee Alva... You make me sound like Jesus Christ when you tell it that way..." said a horse and ruff voice.

Both Me and Alva snapped our head up to see Dustin staring at us wide awake.

"What? Did I lose my eyebrows?" he joked a little.

Alva jumped up and hugged him tightly, "You're awake!"

"Ya I am! Now can you please let me breath so I don't fall back into my coma?" he asked.

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