Battle part 2

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Third person's Pov

Everyone was frozen. No one dared to approch Loki. He had Tess.

He could either drop her to her death or let her sufficate in his grip.

"Let her go Loki!" James yelled at the villian.

Loki chuckled at James's petty threat and tightened his grip on the girl's throat.

Tess clawed at Loki's hand around her neck trying to pull it off and get in a fresh breath of air before she sufficated, but she had no luck.

"Why should I?" Loki questioned the group below.

James growled, this was his baby sister's life in the balance and neither his parents or any of the other avengers or heroes were coming. They were to locked in thier own fight to notice this. One wrong move and she would die.

"Put her down loki!" Taylor shouted stepping out in front of the group, "This whole thing started because of me. Now let's finish it one on one, in a battle! Or are you a coward!" Taylor shouted.

Loki paused at this challage. He did not like being called a coward. He lossened his grip on Tess's neck.

"And the price?" Loki questioned.

"I win, you never attack the earth again and leave us alone forever or come into custidy, you win, I will join you, but you can't harm the earth again." Taylor negotiated.

Loki pondered this deal before speaking, "Alright..." Loki grinned before letting go of Tess and letting her fall towards the ground.

Tess started screaming in fear.

"ALVA!" James yelled.

Alva didn't even need James's cry for help, she had already started flying towards Tess and caught her 2 stories above the ground. She flew Tess back over to James and the others and set her gently on the ground.

James ran over to his sister and hugged her tightly.

"Thank god..." he sighed in relief.

Taylor smiled looking at the group before walking over to Loki who had cleared a sparing circle and was standing on the group.

As soon as she stepped into the circle a forcefield went up around the circle creating a dome.

"What was that for?" she questioned.

"To make sure there are no interferences" Loki answered.

Taylor looked at the forcefield and could see her group pounding on the field trying to brake it but she couldn't hear their cries of plee.

"So what weapon do you choose?" Loki asked.

Taylor teleported her Vibranium sword to hers hands in answer. Loki smirked and pointed his septer spear at her.

"Ready?" he asked.

Taylor nodded getting into her fighting stance.

Within a second Loki fired a bolt of light at her.

Taylor quickly jumped out of the way summer salting back onto her feet and grabbed one of the vibranium daggers strapped to her leg and threw it straight at Loki's chest.

Loki smirked and teleported out of the way and behind Taylor, she was expecting this. She turned around swinging the sword at Loki with all the force in her body. Loki blocked the blow with the staff of his spear.

Meanwhile outside the dome the J.As continued to bang and hit the forcefield with everything they had. But nothing worked.

Alva cast spells, Syd shot arrows and tried to use her ability, Jill threw gun powder and lit it. No luck. Tess punched the field, James tried to burn through it with the laser setting on his holoprojector, and Riley tried unstablizing the molecules by vibrating the shield really fast. Still no luck.

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