The Battle

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Third Person

Loki smirked looking over the fallen city. He had won... he had won. But he hadn't He knew something was missing, something was coming and it did when he wasn't paying attention.

Loki at the time was standing on the roof of Avengers tower, his speter in his right hand, the mind gem glowling a bright blue letting him control all the minds of the mutants and inhumans in his army.  Then the something came. 

"Put down the speter Loki!" Captain America yelled as he dropped down on to the roof with the other Avengers and the J.As. 

Loki sneered and turned towards the heroes, flinging his cape behind him as he turned. 

"Ah! The Avengers have returned!" Loki cheered lifting his hands in congratulations and fake smile across his face. The Smile turned quickly into a grin, "Only to be caged and captured again!" Loki chuckled. "MY MINIONS! ATTACK!" he yelled pointing the tip of his septer at the group before disappearing into thin air. 

The tower shook again and from the side the building all the mutants and teens who could fly flew to the roof caring all of their comrades in arms. 

"Oh come on...." Tony Stark grumbled. He and the other avengers had faced Loki's teenage army once before, right before they got captured.  And he hated fighting kids as much as the next person. 

"What do we do?" Riley asked as the first teens came over the side. 

"Fight..." Widow stated plainly already pointing her widow bites at the teens. 

"Agreed. But we need to spilt up." Cap started, "James, I want you and the J.As to hold off the kids. You are their age, you have a larger chance at defeating them. The Avenger's and I will take care of the villians. If you find any heros free them." 

Everyone nodded in agreement before seprating. Alva grabbed Syd and Jill and flew them down to the ground. Dustin took James and Taylor down to the ground before lifting up into the sky to take down the flying mutants along with Alva.  

"Syd! I think this is a good time to use your ability!" James yelled as he smacked a mutants away with his 3d hard holographic shield. 

"Not yet! It's too early!" Syd yelled back while shotting some exploding arrows into the army coming towards them. 

Riley speed through the group as soon as the arrows exploded and took down all the others who were still up. 

"I agree! We have to wait!" Riley shouted as she fought off 2 mutants, one with a spider sence like sense so she dodged all of RIleys throws and the other one with superspeed fighting abilities.

Jill had empty grendes filled with sand and sugar on her belt and was using them to knock out the mutants who where still up. 

Dustin was flying through the air and taking down the adaptiods with his lighting. 

Meanwhile Alva was using her magic abitlies to do hexes like the scarlet witch did. She couldn't cast large group spells at the moment without being knocked out so she was locked in close hand combat with the enemies. She would blast one teen away just to look away for a second and see the spot be filled by another mutant. 

Taylor was in the same situation as Alva. She was surronded by 6-8 mutants and inhumans who were using their abilites on her. Right now she had a pan in one hand and her sowrd in the other, and her daggers strapped to her legs. She used the pan to knock out an opponite and the sword to threaten them. It wasn't the best stratgy in a fight but it worked in this situation. 

Meanwhile the Avengers had managed to free some off their fellow heroes and were fending off the villains. Hulk was going up against the Abomination right in the middle of Times Square and had already wrecked the Aerocombie story along with the Toys r Us and the Disney Store, and don't even get me started about the damage done to the billboards, almost all of them where black, on the ground, or had giant holes or bents in them. 

James was fighting off 4 mutants when Syd finally played her surprise card. 

"STOP!!!!" Syd yelled in a loud voice which was directed towards all the mutants. All of Loki's army stopped fighting and looked at Syd. 

James smirked at this... it wasn't everyday Syd used her Mutant ability. 

"You are no longer under the control of Loki! You will not serve him any longer!" she ordered to all of them. 

All of the mutants and inhumans looked at her their eyes wide. Suddenly they all cringged their eyes like they were getting bad memories. They stayed like that for a minute before Syd's command worked. 

"Where am I?" "How did I get here?" "Why are my hands glowing?" were just a few of the things that were said once Loki's spell and Mind control was whipped away. 

"What just happened?" Taylor questioned in marvel. 

"Syd has the ability to control people with her voice. So if she wanted us to do somethign she would just tell us in that sort of loud voice and we would have no choice." James expained, "She doesn't use it a lot because she feels like it deprives people of their freedom and human rights."

Taylor nodded in understanding, "So is that it... is the battle over?" 

"Oh you mortals it is far from over!!!!" Loki chuckled appearing floating in the air. His spear was in his left hand his right hand held the neck of a young girl, keeping her from falling 10 stories to her death. Her face was turning blue showing that Loki was choking her slowly.

"TESS!!!" James screamed at the sight of his sister in Loki's grip.

Hey guys! So I think this is going to be the update today. I'm doing this because I want to get a good head start on the next book before I update the next chapter! Have a good day today!

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