Chapter ATTACK!

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Third Person.

"Are the plans set?" Loki asked mystique.

"Yes sure. The avengers are fully secured and the army is ready for battle." Mystique replied to Loki smirking as she looked over the final plans.

"Good. But we need to wait. Those children should be attacking us soon. They knew they couldn't do anything when I took their parents but now that I have both my daughter and Taylor they will be coming soon." Loki grinned as he stood himself up from his throne.

Mysttique nodded before leaving the room.

Loki continued to grin, he could feel the power within his grasp. He was going to win this war.

Suddenly the ceiling of the room burst open revealing the J.As who all come down ready for battle.

"Loki! Stand down!" James yelled at the villain pissed off. First Loki had taken his parents, then Alva, and now Taylor. He woul;d not stand for this any longer.

"Ah finally! The J.As come to fight instead of hiding in their tower! How nice!" Loki chuckled at the group of kids.

"Save the B.S loki!" Syd snapped her bow already prepared with an arrow hooked to the string pointed at him.

"What BS my dear? I'm just telling the truth!" Loki chuckled. He stood up from his throne and grinned down at the group.

All the J.As finched as he standed walking towards them smirking.

"Oh don't be afraid of me... I'm not going to hurt you. You children have an alliby, "Loki groaned.

"And who is that?" Dustin spat with hatred at his uncle.

Loki grinned before turning towards the door and yelling, "ALVA!"

Dustin's eyes widenned at the sound of his cousin's name.

Alva walked into the throne room not knowing what was going down, "What now Father?" Alva spat.

She looked towards her father and the people next to him. She froze at the sight of the J.As and Riley. She scanned the J.As and saw Dustin. She smiled with joy, the corners of her mouth lifting up.

"Alva?" Dustin choked out at the sight of his cousin.

"Dustin!" She rejoiced running over to him and hugging him tightly. He did the same back.

"You cut your hair!" He marveled.

Alva nodded not wanting to say the reason why.

Now most of you maybe thinking that these two were in love. They were not. Plain and simple. Since Dustin was the one who saved Alva they had grown into a tight knit brother sister relationship, with Dustin acting as the older protective brother who always noticed everything.

"Alva..." Loki ordered, "Remember our deal..." he smirked.

Dustin quickly glanced at Loki at this comment and Alva bowed her closing her eyes as if she was about to cry.

Dustin looked at Alva, "Alva... what deal did you make?" he asked worried.

Alva didn't respond.

Loki smirked and answered fro his daughter "Oh foolish boy! Don't you see? She traded her freedom for you and the Avengers' protection. She joined me to protect you pathetic mortals."

The J.As gasped. yes the move was clinque, but they still weren't expected it.

"Alva... why?" Dustin whispered looking at her.

"Because when he offered to let me join him the first 3,4 times I said no... But then.. he got the avenger and the 5th time he offered it... he... he rolled in Uncle Thor. He was bloodly and dusty, and all chained up. He looked like an old and abanndoned rag doll." Alva cried finally letting the tears she had been holding back roll out.

"I couldn't let them hurt him anymore Dustin... I couldn't let you all become Orphans like I did" she cried into Dustins chest.

Dustin didn't know how to respond to Alva. He just hugged her, he was just there to support her.

"Where are our Parents and Taylor Loki?" James sneered at him.

"Oh I've taken care of Taylor, and as for your parents, they are my prisoners.

"Now what Loki? What will you do with you?" James asked the Villian.

"Now you either surrender or face the same fate as your parents. Either way. I will not lose." Loki chuckled at the group.

"We will not surrender!" Syd hissed. Riley nodded in agreement along with Jill.

"Well then... I must leave you to your doom, " Loki joked walking towards the door and the only exit of the room, "You coming Alva?"

Alva froze and looked at Dustin.

"Don't do it... you don't have to protect anyone anymore Alva..." he spoke towards her softly.

"You coming Alva? Or should I leave you to suffer with them my daughter?" Loki asked,

That last part snapped Alva out of it.

"I am not your daughter!" She shouted angry before shoting a green energy bolt at Loki.

Loki easily dodged the bolt smirking and walked out the doors closing behind him.

"Alva what's going to happen now?" Syd asked.

"The army..." she stuttered and looked up toward the ceiling. The hole where the J.As had bursted through had been slamed shut and Loki's throne had disappeared.

Suddenly a wall burst open and a swarm of about 60 mutant kids appeared which was only about 15% of the total army of 400, this group included RIley's Adaptiod and Rictor.

"Oh come on!" Pym groaned.

The J.As were suddenly locked in a battle with the Mutant Teenagers. And they quickly lost. Pym got taken down first by a mutant who could create bubbles around objects permently. Next went Riley who was taken down by her Adaptoid. After her was Jill who was taken down by her own knock out gas. James and Syd went down together, being taken out by a swarm of Mutants.

The last two standing were Alva and Dustin.

Dustin was taken down by a speedster with pure white hair. Alva was taken down by a boy with Black brown hair and blue eyes who looked exactly like the speedster who took Dustin down but with a different hair color.

After all the J.As were taken down they were dragged into the dungeons of the underground empire, about 35 ceil blocks away from their parents. But what they didn't know was that a guardian was watching over them.

Taylor Stark sat in the vents over her friends ceils, waiting patiantly for the right moment to drop down and free her friends. But she had to wait. Wait for Loki to attack New York once again.

HEY GUYS! SO I am right now writing the final chapter! which is only 3 chapters away! HOW COOL RIGHT? So I'm going to probably give you guys 2-3 chapters today, but I'm wondering... do you want me to finish the book today? Of course I'll publish the epilogue first thing tomorrow when I remember or wake up but what do you guys think? Write your answers in the comments! If you want the next chapter as soon as possible I need 3 votes! let's see how long it takes u!

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