Invasion and reunion.

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Third Person

Spider man was swing from building to building when it happened.

When Loki's Attack started.

It started with a large bang from Avengers tower caused by a bomb. Which sent the balconey falling and widows shattering. Then The baxter building followed. Shaking the building off its foundation. and making it collapse.

This caught not only the attention of Spider-man, but all of the superheroes in New York.

The next wave of attack was the taking of the two towers and grand cetral station. The heroes flocked to the towers expecting to discover the chitari or something like that but they were surpriced at the army that greated them. Hundreds upon thousands of mutant and inhuman teenagers were attacking the city. Almost all of them mind controled.

Carol Danvers, Aka Captain Marvel, was one of these superheroes. She was tore at the tought of hurting these kids they had done nothing wrong. They were just blindly following Loki.

She wasn't the only hero feeling like this... all the other heroes were torn too. Everyone was. Even Wolverine. And we all know wolverine is heartless and has no concience.

Because non of the heroes would hurt the superpowered kids they were easily taken down. The kids took them down like they were ants under a boot. The kids pounded the heroes into the cement tar street and as soon as the hero was unable to fight they put power resticting collars.

As soon as half the superheroes were taken down villians like Whiplash and Abomination started appearing and causing havok. 

New York city had fallen... to Loki.

"At last..." Loki smirked from his view of the fallen city on top of Avenger's Tower.


Taylor's Pov

" Stupid Loki and his stupid ambition to take over the Earth..." I grumbled as I crawled through the vents. I had been in here for about 7 hours? and I was getting hungry. I tried making a sandwich appear using my powers of projection but no luck.

I sat cross legged once again and focused my energy and powers onto the thought of a nice juicy Cheeseburger. The warm buns, the crispy lettece, the melted swiss cheese smoldering ontop of a medium rare patty. Oh god... Now I'm starving!

I Cringed my eyes closed forcing the thought of the delisous burger (with a side of fries) to fill my mind. And finally about 4 minutes of thinking of the food did it appear.

"Yes!" I cheered. The cheer echoed down the vents.

I grabbed the burger and started eating it quickly, devouring the meat along with its companion fries. As soon as I finished I started crawling down the vents again.

As soon as I got to an openign I looked through it. I could see Ceils but not who was in them. I couldn't see any guards so I thought it was perfectly safe to come down.

I kicked the vent cover out of position which sent it clattering down to the ground.

I waited for a guard to come investigate but when non did after 5 minutes I jumped down.

I looked around me. The dirty concrete ceils on both sides of me where empty and deserted. I started walking down the hallway passing the ceils looking for the avengers but what I came across was not what I expected.

I had probably walked past 15 ceils before I found someone. I almost walked straight past him to tell the truth. The only reason I noticed him was because of his red lepricon hair.

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