I'm a Bloody Freaking Stark

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3rd person

-somewhere, on earth-

"WHAT THE F*CK FURY!? YOU JUST KEEP THIS AWAY FROM ME FOR 15 YEARS?!" yelled the Ego Machine, AKA Tony Stark.

"Stark you and I both know this was in her best intrest." Fury said not so furious. He had his hands clutched together setting them on the grey silver metal desk he sat behind.

"Who the hell desided that?" Tony stark snapped back. His back to Fury he head turned over his shoulder.

"I did Tony. But at the time you were an over the moon alchohalic Stark. I gave you a letter containing all the info but you threw it in the trash. If I hadn't done this then the child would have grown up in an orphanage." Fury replied calmy.

"But why? Why didn't you come and find me to tell me?" Tony whinned.

"I already told you why."

"Who's is she fury?"

Nick Fury didn't respond verbably. Instead he threw a tan folder on the table about the girl.

Tony opened the file on the girl. swipping the foldier over and reading it's contents

Taylor James Stark Jones

Lives in Midtown with her adoptive mom

Foster mom: Jessica Jones

Mutant Ability: Able to see peoples fears/wishes/thoughts and project them physically and can call upon any weapon she has touched/used before into her hand.

"Ok why are you telling me this now Fury?" stark spat at the man.

"Because... Loki is back. And he wants revenge. So he's targeting Mutants and super powered kids to help him in his attacks against the Avengers. Your daughter is one of the kids. Kang thinks her Projection ability will help him." Fury explained.

"So whats the plan to get her before Loki?" Tony asked actually caring for once about someone other them himself and his fiance Pepper Potts.

"We take over her high school. You and the other avengers will be teachers at the school as a cover up. The Kid avengers will go to the school and try and protect her." Fury explained farther.

"Wait? Teachers?" Tony stated surprised.

Fury smirked and nodded, "It's called pay back Stark. Learn it."

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