Chapter 6

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James pov.

I collaped on the couch of Avenger's tower living room. I was bruised and busted but had made it out safely.

The dude turned out to be named Rictor. And he wasn't an earthbender it turns out he was a mutant that could create a vibration through any object, like any object.

Since we didn't relize that Dustin ended up unconcious and maybe in a coma.

Alva was sitting on the single person leather chair that sat to the right of me. She had her face in her hands. Dustin was like her brother. He was so kind to her when she first came to earth. Now she was blaming herself for him being injuried.

Syd help get her up as she started to brake into tears, Leading Alva out of the room to her own.

"Remind me never to go up against a mutant with out knowing the extent of their powers" Pim groaned ploping down next to me.

"Only if you remind me first man." I replied back. I hate evil Mutants. Officially. I would say I hate mutants but then Syd would kick my ass through Canada, into Alaska, then 2 miles under Alaska. I really need to watch my mouth around here.

I hear the elevator ding open and the walking of two feet. one of the footsteps is heavier then the other and is in full strides, so that's Tony Stark. The other one I didn't know.

"Jarvis, if anyone asks where I am. I'm in the Lab with little miss grumpy over here." Tony talked to the A.I.

I looked to Pim who looked to me.

We heard the foot steps get fainter and fainter before getting up.

"Who do you think little miss grumpy is?" Pim asked me.

"To tell the truth I don't know but it does not sound like he was talking about pepper." I told him back.

Before he could reply the elevator door opened again with the bing sound.

"Jam!" yelled my sister running down the hallway from the elevator towards me. I smiled at her.

"Jam you're okay!" She giggled.

"Yeah if you did find a couple of bruises and maybe a fractured wrist as okay." I replied back to her.

"Jam... You promised me you wouldn't get hurt." She whimpered.

"Since when did I promise that?" I chuckled at her.

She raised an eyebrow at me acting just like our mom would.

"Fine I did promise. But I can't help if I get hurt by a villain.."

She raised her eyebrow again.

"Fine do you want me to go get my wrist checked?" I asked her giving in to the puppy dog face she was giving me.

She nodded smiling widely.

I chuckled with her grabbing my hand we walked down to the lab following the steps Tony Stark had taken about five minutes ago.

I swear to God sometimes my sister acted like a six-year-old.


Taylor's pov.

As the elevator dinged open me and tony stark walked out of the elevator and down a hall of avengers tower.

"Jarvis, if anyone asks where I am. I'm in the Lab with little miss grumpy over here." Tony talked to his A.I jarvis.

JARVIS didn't surprise me. I knew about him since of the avengers movies and every thing.

I bit my tongue to Make sure I didn't snap back at my "father". if Tony stark was my father I may have had a chance at moving in with the avengers.

We walked Down the hall reaching the medical lab. I walked in after Tony seeing a guy bent down over something with glasses on. Dr.Bruce Banner.

"Hey Bruce! Can you do me a solid favor?" Tony asked Dr. banner.

Banner looked up from the medical textbook he was reading.

"What is it this time Tony?" Dr. Banner asked Tony.

"Little ms Grumpy wants a blood test." Tony teased me.

"I have a name you know? You taught me today? Remember that doofus? Or is your ego filling your ears with B.S. And I'm not even that little! I'm 5'4 plus I'm only 14! So shut it Ego Machine" I snapped at him.

Dr.banner chuckled at me while Tony just looked with surprise and a gaping mouth.

Tony's mouth eventually turned into a smirk, "I like you kid."

"I'm not a kid..." I grumbled back at him.

Banner chuckled at the two of us arguing. "I can see how you're related to her Tony."

I turned to Tony Stark raising an eyebrow, "you have something to tell me. Or do we still need the blood test."

"You knew?!" he exclaimed.

"No... But I had my suspicions. I mean for god sake I read your comics I know how many crazy the things happen to you guys, a kid ain't nothing. plus you don't think Luke Cage wouldn't tell me about the egomaniac player Stark who finally thought about settling down with his PA?" I explained at him calmly.

On the inside I'm screaming.

AAAAAHHHHHH! I'm Tony freaking bloody Starks daughter!!!!!

In my mind I was running around in circles waving my arms in the air and screaming.

"She is most defintly your daughter," chuckled bruce.

"So you have something to say to me?" I say sternly towards Tony like a parent does when they know their kid is hiding something.

"Uh.. well... uh... I am your father?" he said in a questioning tone.

HEY guys! Here is the Saturday update! SO I've been thinking, I may not be able to make two updates a week so I'm elimitating wensday updates. But I have good news. If I am able to have two chapters done by wensday then I will post one then! This will be he case for a while. We will always have saturday updates but wensdays are ify.

Comin2U soon! CHapter 7!

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