Chapter 12

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Tony's pov.
From behind me I heard a growl and the SKINT of claws.
"He's right behind me isn't he?" I asked frowning and sighing.
I saw Capsicale nod.
I sighed again turning around to face Wolverine, "hey buddy... What are you doing here?" I asked trying not to stutter or hesitate at the sight of his atimatium claws.
"I'm here because I heard your daughter is a mutant and professor X sent me to help train her Bud. Then I hear the mention of a Jillian Howlet and you saying my last name in vain." he growled like a wolverine.
"I didnt say your last name! I just said the girl's last name!" I explained trying not to let him get to me. Holding my hands up in the air in surrender.
"That girl is my girl.." he growled again putting his claws to my throat.
At that sentence I burst out laughing.
"Your girl?! The kid is like 16! How is she your girlfriend!?" I laughed almost crying.
He snarled this time and pinned me to a wall.
"that's my daughter your talking about Stark!" He barked.
LOL... barked.
"logan! Put the guy down... He just found his daughter... I'm pretty sure Taylor doesn't want to lose her father that she just found." Cap said trying to calm Wolverine down.
"Fine..." he said letting me go, "I'm going to see your kid stark... and you better not piss me off again."
And with that. The Wolverine walked out of the room. But not before grabbing a beer.
Taylor's pov.
I was curled up on my bed my vision blurry with multiple images.
I had images of my mom in her hospital bed. Jillian tied to the chair... Loki....
The past 3 hours had been a blur and didn't fit together... first their was the video... and some how I ended up on my bed.
I heard the door creek open to reveal a man with sideburns... And spiked hair like wolverine... in his right hand was a beer can. Wait.... this is the real wolverine!
"Hey kid." he said sipping his beer bottle.
"Why are you here? Don't I have enough superheroes in my life for the moment?" I replied sitting up my head aching and my vision still blurry but the images were gone.
"Nope.. Professor X sent me to talk to you.. about your powers... and Jill." he replied.
"How do you know about Jill?" I asked him.
"Because I raised her...." he growled, " Jillian is my daughter."
I raised my eyebrow at him but didn't question it. With what has happened to me in the past 2-3 days it's not all that weird.
"So why are you here?" I asked.
" I told you all ready kid. I'm here to help train you and your powers.." he grumbled.
"Which are exactly?"
"Dang it kid! Your mutant ability it is to project fears. or make any weapon you've ever touched appear in your hand. I thought you already knew this!" He grumbled on.
"Nope haven't exactly had time to discover the powers. so I guess we still have to do that so which powers are first?" I asked.
"The professor said we should let you not use your powers of the mind yet. If you were exposed to too many people's fears and they could overpower you and you would become afraid of those fears. So we're going to do the weapon one first." He explained.
I nodded but didn't try standing up.
"Have you ever touched a weapon Taylor?" Wolverine asked me.
I shook my head no.
"You ain't ever use a kitchen Knife before kid?" He grumbled.
"Yeah but I don't think that classifies as a weapon." I snapped back.
"Well it does. anything really with a blade or something that can be used in a battle is technically a weapon." He explained.
"So a frying pan is a weapon?" I asked curiously.
"No! Why does everyone think that? That's like the 20th time someone asked me that!" He exclaimed.
"I blamed Tangled." I chuckled at him.
Hey guys!!! I've almost reached 200 views!!!! Last week I had about 56 views! Then earlier this week on Wednesday I looked to see 152! Now it's 196! I'm soo happy!!!! Thank you readers!!!!

The next Chapter is COMIN2U soon!

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