Chapter 8

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Taylor's pov.

Me and some random girl were rolling on the floor laughing. James or "Jam" had walked away with Dr. banner. Meanwhile my father had disappeared to.

"I'm Taylor by the way." I introduced myself to the 12 year old looking girl.

"I know." she replied tucking the blond pieces of hair behind her ear.

I raised an eyebrow but elected to ignore it, " SO... how do you know James?"

"I'm his sister, Tess." she smiled.

My eyes widened in shock of her, "You're related to James? You two look nothing a like!" I exclaimed.

"I know! But how do you know James?" Tess asked me.

"I beat him to the last Thor comic book this morning. Then I meet him at school and have a few classes with him." I explained to Tess.

Tess nodded right as my father came in.

"I got to go." I told her and she nodded like she understood. I ran over to tony walking after him.

"What do you want?" he asked me.

"I want answers." I replied back.

"So do I kid... so how about we grab a drink and chit chat and try and get answers from each other?" Tony stark replied to me.

"I'm 14."

"I have apple cider, wait correction is needed. Pepper has apple cider." he said

----(later in the kitchen)---

I sat down behind my glass at the kitchen bar. Tony was pouring himself a glass of scotch.

"So kid what's your name?" he asked me.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm just joking Tay," he chuckled.

"Don't call me that." i growled

"Call you what?" he smirked.

"Tay. Only my mom can call me that." I stared him down.

"Alright... so who's your mom Taylor? I mean.." Tony started.

"My mom is Jessica Jones, but my biological mom? I don't have a freaking clue." I replied sipping my cider, "My turn now... Who's pepper?"

"Pepper? well she's my girlfriend... and I think soon to be fiance..." tony replied.

I raised an eyebrow, "the famous billionaire playboy is settling down?"

Tony nodded.

he opened his mouth to ask a question but before he could the elevator door dinged open.

"Tony!!! I'm back! Washington was a headache!" yelled a female voice.

Tony's eyes widened.

A red haired girl walked in with bags on her arms. Her eyes rested on my then went to Tony then back to me.

"Tony.... what did you do?"she asked.

"Pepper! You're back early!" tony exclamed.

"Ya. Washington didn't go as planned... Tony... who is this." Pepper asked tony.

"I'm Taylor, apperanty I'm Tony's long lost daughter!" I interrupted grinning like a fool at Pepper.

--------------( a while later) ------------

"So you mean to tell me you didn't know you were Tony's daughter?" Pepper asked.

"Nope. I didn't know it all until earlier today when I was almost kidnapped by Loki and instead Ironman over here burst through a hospital wall." I smiled, "he's totally going to pay for that."

For the past hour Tony had tried explaining what had happened to pepper but he didn't get anywhere with it. so of course I stepped in and explained it And now me and Pepper were good friends.

"So you have no idea who your biological mom is?" Pepper asked.

"Again... NOPE! My mom never told me who she was but I knew that I was adopted." I smiled.

I didn't know why but I felt like I had a connection with Pepper. I blame Tony.

"Uh... hey... girls... how about the man who brought you two together?" Tony asked trying to get in the middle of the conversation.

"Shut up tony." I replied.

"Hey! I want to get to know you too!" Tony yelled at me.

I rolled eye eyes at him.

"So.... do you like engineering Taylor? Knowing you are Tony's daughter that's probably a yes.." Pepper asked.

"Actually no... I'm not that big into techonolgy and enginneering." I replied shyly.

"What?!" Tony exclaimed practiclly doing a spit take, "Any kid of mine has to like technology!"

"Well mr.Tech your daughter here is a highly ranked honors student in Science and History who competes in national Tornaments in both subjects. And also is the 3rd smartest 15 year old in the country in those subjects. SO shut it." I replied.

"Oh, Bruce is going to love you." Tony chuckled.


(3rd person pov.)

"Have you found out who her mother is?" Loki asked the blue women below him.

"Yes. and it isn't as good as we thought it would be." the women replied playing with the iPad in her hands.

"Who is it?"

"Some women named Virginia Potts"

Hey guys!!! I'm sorry I waited so long to post! I had a wedding today and I'm heading to the reception right now! So it was hard to finish this chapter!

The next chapter is Comin2U soon!

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