Chapter 4

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Taylor's pov.

I backed up as my hand went through my mother's body.

What the hell was going on?

Taylor... don't freak out. said a voice in my mind.

I think I'm going delusional.

Taylor... I promise you are not going crazy... I am Professor X of the x-men. Your not dead alright. But the shock of your mother's condition has awaken the mutant gene in you. The voice continued.

Wait professor x? That was a Marvel character. That mean't I was a mutant. That also meant I would have a special ability. a mutant ability.

That is right Taylor... Your abilities are very useful. You can physically make/create a persons fears. This means that it can be an illusion or if someone has a fear of Clowns you can physically make them appear. Real life and everything. With this power you could expand past fears, project dreams, hopes, thoughts, and wishes. This makes you a very powerful mutant. Making the ability a mix of both teleportation and mind reading.


I closed my eyes as white light filled the dark blackness of the illusion. I opened my sleeping eyes to let light flow into them. No longer feeling professor x in my mind I was left in the same hospital room as this morning.

I signed looking at my mom who had a steady heart beat, "What am I going to do ma?" I asked her hoping for an answer.

"Come with me." Answered a manly voice, which was defiantly not Luke's.

I turned around looking to see who had responded to the rhetorical question I had made.

In front of me stood a 6"5 foot man in asgardian armor. He wore green and had straight black hair to his shoulders. Loki

My eyes widened at the sight of him.

"Ah! So I see you recognize me." He commented smiling down on me.

"Ya, I do... Now what do you want?" I almost stuttered but the first part came out sassy.

"You do know your a mutant, your skills would be of great use to me." He replied like it was no big deal.

"And why is that Loki?" I said with more sass this time, the fear that held me earlier disappearing and turning into bravery.

"Because, the world is wrong, the Human race is wrong! The Avengers and these so called heroes. Will be the downfall of humanity it's already been proven. ultron! was the creation of a founding avenger. And because of that even more problems arose. The avengers may have defeated ultron but that's only the beginning. I am a god! I have seen time to the very end of time and do you want to know what caused the end of time? The avengers." Loki spat down on me.

I laughed right in his face. Me! a normal, mutant, 14 (soon to be 15) teenage girl. And I was laughing right in a villain's face.

"Why do you laugh in a mocking tone at me?!" Loki spat again

I laughed even more.

"Tell me!" he roared not scaring me a bit.

"You really think I'm an idiot Loki?" I chuckled.

He looked down on my not answering.

"If you were right you would have done your homework of history on me when you were in the future. I'm a major comic book geek dude! I read all of marvel's comic books! Down to the very first avengers issue where you accsidently caused the team to form! I know your an asgradian set on world domination, you dont have to be a comic book fan to know that. You can thank that attack. Also how many times your ass had been handed to you on a silver platter by the Avengers! Which if I'm counting right is over like... 25?"

He looked wide eyed at me.

He finally spoke, "I under estimated you girl. You have impressed me with your knowledge,"

"Well I try." I remarked back.

Before Loki could repliy to my remark the wall behind him blasted open releaving the streets of new york. The streets had large cracks like the city had experienced an earthquake, the buildings were cracked and crumbling also. And right in front of it all in the hole in the wall?

Iron man! Stationary flying right in front of me.

"Hola Loki! You miss me?" he asked the villian landing on the white tiled floor of the hospital room.

"Iron Man! nice of you to join us! I was hoping you would arrive in time to see me take your daughter!" explained in a way only loki could.

I raised an eyebrow at the word daughter and Tony stark hesitate at the word before shooting at Kang.

Loki easily dodged and grabbed me pinning a hand behind my back trapping me by putting a dagger to my back.

Tony froze solid for a second.

"Don't make me hurt her iron man." Loki grinned smirking at the hero.

I hissed at the feeling the knife start to brake my skin.

"Loki stop! Don't hurt her!" Iron man said putting his repulsor up ready to fire at loki, but he had a high chance of hitting me.

"Oh Stark! You finally have a weakness, besides that P.A of yours, You wouldn't dare shoot. You don't have the aim of your archer." Loki replied," You could kill your daughter."

I was bothered by the word daughter again, why would he call me Tony Stark's daughter?

"Alright I've had enough of this!" I replied getting annoyed.

I put my hands up and dropped to the floor letting the knife slip past my right shoulder. I grabbed his hand pulling on it the dagger letting it fall out of his hand. I grabbed the dagger quickly pointing it at him ready to throw.

He looked at me wide eyed.

"What? My mom was a detective slach retired hero! How many times did you think my life was threatened?" I replied with a smart ass remark raising an eyebrow at Loki.

He grinned once more the shocked look falling off his face all to soon.

"I'll be back... For all of you." he grinned slowlly fading.

Then he disappeared, teleporting away.

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