Chapter 2

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Taylor's Pov.

I walked into class 10 mintues late. Curse janitor Stan and his amazing stories! The teacher still wasn't there. Weird. Maybe Last Names really do mean a thing to this teacher. Maybe he really is trying to be like Tony Stark.

I sat down in the only desk which was avalible. It as right in the center of the room. great. I love the middle. Can you sence the dripping sarcasim yet?

We sat waiting for a few more minutes. our school had a rule that if the teachers weren't in the room within 15 minutes of the bell's final ring then we would have a free period.

As we looked at the clock, counting down the minutes then seconds we got ready to leave the class room and enjoy our free period.

With 26 seconds left the teacher walked in. We all groaned. We did not want to have math class today.

I looked at the teacher. He wore normal outside clothes and had a face like he didn't want to be here. He had brown hair like my own and it was geled up a little.

I looked to place his familar face when he started talking.

"Alright. Lets get this straight. I don't want to be here and you guys don't either. So I'm going to let you guys have a free period. but if you want to have class and are a first rate nerd get out. I don't teach. And yes I am the famous Tony Stark." he finished. He sat down at his desk and started working on someting on his computer.

We all looked at him. Slowly one by one the students got up and left the room. I didn't though. I didn't need to go anywhere. Plus anywhere but here would be to loud.

Instead I pulled out my Marvel comic book, Thor, and leaned back in my chair getting comfortable and continued to read it.

"Kid. Why you still here?" Tony Stark asked me after about 5 minutes of us sitting in silence.

I looked up at him over my comic book.

"Because. I have no where else to be." I replied.

"But don't you have friends to hang out with? Can't you ditch school?" he asked me

"Because unlike you. My family isn't rich. I don't have money to coast through school on. If I want a good life then I NEED good grades and attendence rates. So I'm not going anywhere. You are stuck with me." I spat back.

why the heck is tony stark talking to me?

He just looked at me. I felt my phone vibrataing signalling a phone call and I pulled it out to see a picture of my mom.

I answered it, "Hey Mom! What's the matter?"

Tony Stark looked at me weirdly as I said mom.

"Taylor?" said a voice on the other side. It didn't sound like my mom. It sounded. like Luke, her fiance.

"Luke?" I replied a little weirded out.

"Thank God I got you! The office won't answer the stupid phone." he spat.

"What's going on? Why are you calling through my mom's phone?" I questioned.

"Taylor. Your mom got in a car accident. She's in surgery right now..." Luke stuttered through the phone.

I froze and grabbed my stuff shoving it into my bag.

"I'm comming.. What hospital?" I asked.

I wrote down the hopsital and the address before rushing out of the classroom and down the hall. It was empty except for a few students who had free periods.

I grabbed my stuff from my locker and ran over to the office to sign myself out.

When I ran into the office I saw Vice Principal Hill sitting at her desk. As I barged in she looked up from her computer.

"Ms. Jones. Why are you out of class?" she asked sternly.

"No time to explain. Ok Blame Stark. But I need to go. My mother is in the Hospital. I need the rest of the day off from school." I explained.

She looked at me.

"Please I need to go." I pleaded.

"I'm sorry Taylor... but you need a parents permission." Vice principal hill explained.

"My only parent is in surgery! Now I need to go! I'll have my soon to be step dad call you when I get there!" I yelled back pissed.

"I'm sorry but that is not acceptable!" Ms. Hill fired back.

"I don't care what is exceptable or not! My mom is in the hospital. And right now you are acting like a bitch! I'm going! Try and stop me!" I replied.

"If you wake out that door your expailed Ms.Jones." she said getting up out of her chair.

"I don't care anymore." I responded stomping out of the office and out of the school.

I got on my bike and biked towards the nearest subway entrance.

Great how am I going to explain to Mom and Luke?


James pov.

I walked into lunch ready to see Taylor and Jill. I had my two friends one my sides to help me too.

On my right was Syd. She had caramel blonde hair and blue eyes and was the daughter of Hawkeye and Mockingbird. Yes I know... Clint didn't end up with Natasha. But that's only because She ended up with my dad!

Yes. I am the son of Black widow and Captain America. Where did you think I got my red hair from? A scottish lepericon? Dye?

On my left was my boy, Henry Pym! or Pim as everyone called him. He was the son of the Wasp and Ant-man. He had Brown hair and green eyes. He was short for our age but he was way fast. I think that's the main reason he's on the track team.

We were the only kids of the avengers going to this school.. but we were only a fration of our main crew.

List of time!

We had Thor's son and niece back at the tower. His son's name was Dustin. He was like his father in many ways. And by many ways I mean a miniture version of thor, but more earthly. Meanwhile his niece, the daughter of loki, was Alva. She had black straight hair and green eyes. She was good and resented her real father.

After them we had, me, Pim, and Syd.

And after us we had my little sister, Tess, she was only 10. The youngst of us all. so she wasn't really apart of the team. But she did help deploy us on missions. She was a little fuzz ball of energy. No matter the setting she was always smiling. Her blonde hair was always curled at the end and her green eyes were always shining.

And finally... Taylor. At least I hoped. She was the daughter of Tony Stark. Billionaire, Playboy, Genius and... Ok you get my point! Her black hair fell to her shoulders and her brown eyes were full of hope, wisdom, and smart ass remarks. Like her fathers.

She was beautiful. Wait... Did I just really think that.

I spotted Jillian sitting by herself and walked over to her with Syd and Pim behind me.

"Hey Jill... Where is Taylor?" I asked seeing a sad look on her face.

"You didn't hear?" Jillian asked looking at me, "Her mom got in a serious car accident... Taylor ditched school to go and check on her mom... Taylor got expelled."

"What?" I burst out.

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