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Third persons pov. (one year after the final battle)

"Ugh... I hate this!" Tony Stark grew. He was frustrated. He seemed to be a lot these days. It had been a year since the final battle. And still Taylor did not wake. She was in a coma. She had been ever since she had been stabbed by Loki.

Her birthday had come and past in the time she had been asleep and she was now 16 and a half. It had been almost a year and a half since he had first meet her and one of those years had been stuck in this small white hospital room in Avenger's Tower. It use to be empty and plain but in the year and months The J.As had decorated the room in the time taylor had been in a Coma and it was now filled with gifts and presents from the holidays she had missed along with her birthday gifts which she could enjoy when she woke up.

In the year she had been gone, Tony refused to have a wedding without her, and Pepper actually agreed. He had managed to fully adopted her just like he said he would. But if she didn't wake up soon... she would miss out... miss out on being a big sister. Yes Pepper was pregnant, 3 months to be exact. And Tony did not want to imagine Taylor not being there to babysit her younger sibling who was still in the womb.

Tony leaned back in his chair and looked up at the tiled ceiling listening to the sound of the heart monitor.

That some what silence was somewhat interrupted by the opening of the door. It was James. He had cut his Shaggy red hair in the year she had been asleep. It was still shaggy but less so. In his hand he held the new Thor comic book, the 19th issue in the series.

"I still don't get why you get her those kid..." Tony stated not even looking at James and continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Because she likes them... This series was the whole reason I meet her in the first place." James replied setting the comic book on the side table next to her bed on top of the other 8 issues he had gotten for her.

"Really?" Tony asked actually looking at the 17 year old.

James nodded, "She beat me to getting this comic book. Snatched it right out of my hands."

Tony chuckled at this, "I never knew that..." he stated.

"Ya.... there were a lot of things we didn't know we would be getting into after finding out you had a daughter." James responded.

"Preach James..." Tony sighed. He missed his daughter.

James nodded and took a seat in one of the other chairs in the room.

"So what do we do now?" James asked, "Just wait? and what do we do if she never wakes up?"

"You and I both know that she will wake up... We just don't know when... We just have to wait..." Tony replied. He didn't want to think of the thought that she would never wake up.

James nodded once again.

Tony knew James had feelings for Taylor... God he even had their first kiss from a year ago in the elevator recorded by JARVIS. But he would never tell James that he knew until Taylor woke up and they started a relationship.

"Hey kid... why don't we head out and have some fun... Taylor would want us too." Tony spoke, "We shouldn't mop this much, it's not good for our age."

Janes sighed and got up out of his chair agreeing with Tony and Tony stood up too. Both of them waked out of the room and closed the door behind them.

But that was their first mistake... They should have waited 10 more minutes because 7 more minutes after the two left the room something happened.

Taylor's heartbeat picked up and the paleness of her skin started to tan and turn a little red, like the blood was finally able to reach the very top of her skin and fully move around her body. Her chest lifted more like it was taking in more then the slow shallow breaths that she had been using to breath for the last year. Her fingers moved like they were stretch or feeling her surroundings.

And then.

Taylor cringed her eyes tightly. If anyone had been in the room and blinked they would have missed it. Missed the moment when she woke up. The moment when her piercing brown eyes took in the world once again.

Ok You guys probably hate me for all the cliffhangers. I'm sorry (not). SO that is the end of this book! See you guys in thge next book!

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