Chapter I Don't know How to Spell all that Great

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Taylor's pov.

We lost. we didn't capture Rictor we found out Alva had really been an adaptoid sent to spy on us.

We had just landed on the roof of Avengers tower when we heard the bad news.

"Taylor!!!" screamed Pepper as she ran out of the elevator and over to us, "Thank god you're ok! I thought we lost you too." she trembled looking me over for any wounds.

"Of course I'm ok... and what do you mean lost me too?" I stammered arching my eyebrows into a worried look.

"You didn't hear did you?" she asked us.

"Hear what?" Pym questioned still in wasp form.

Pepper sighed her face falling into sorrow and loss. "Tony... and the Avengers..." she started.

"What about him?" I gulped worried about the answer, almost knowing what was coming.

"Loki... captured the Avengers..." she quaked.

We all gasped. But I was thankful. I had heard stories of heros who had been killed by villains. At least Tony and the Avengers had only been captured not killed.

"We have to go rescue them!" James boomed taking charge once again.

"Ya!" Syd yelled her bow in hand.

"NO!" Pepper practically yelled, "We can't lose you guys too! Loki was about to take down all your parents! You wouldn't stand a chance against him."

"She's right..." I muttered, "Loki will be expecting us to charge in, to jump to save our parents... we have to wait this battle out. Loki just won a battle not the war."

"Well it feels like he won the war Taylor," Dustin replied, "He has Alva... has anyone thought what he may do to her? She's his daughter! He'll probably turn her on us and use the Avengers to get her on his side!"

"Dustin... calm down..." Syd stated putting a hand on his shoulder.

Dustin nodded taking in a deep breath.

"What are we going to do?" spoke Jill, "Call fury?"

"No. We don't call Fury... he won't be anyhelp in this. He has no compassion. We don't call the x-men, we don't call anyone." James answered, "We go on with our lives for now, make it seem like they were all called away for a 5 day or so mission in space with the guardians of the galaxy. They do that all the time. No problem with the story.... but we need to plan. We need to get in contact with Alva and see if she can be our inside spy."

We all nodded in agreement. There was a reason James was leader.

"How do we get in contact with her?" Syd asked.

"We don't, she has to make contact with us." James replied, "And we all know she will."

We all once again nodded in agreement.

"Now why don't we all go to our rooms and change or something? I think we all need a brake to think about today's events..." James sighed.

We all looked at one another before we slowly left one by one until it was just me and James on the roof.

"Do you really think she will contact us?" I asked him after the others were gone for sure.

"I don't know Taylor... I just had to give them hope... My dad always said 'when even we heroes have nothing and the public has no hope we have to be the ones to give it to them... to give the ember to start the tender of the fire. Because eventually that tender will spark and turn into a fire of voices and hope..' I just wish that it's true and that I gave them an ember." He answered.

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