Chapter Loki

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Taylor's pov.

"Ugh...." I groaned as I cringed my eyesat the massive headache that suddenly hit me as I woke up. Why couldn't I just wake up normally like everyone else in this stinken world?

"Ah! Finally you awake!" chuckled a mysterious voice.

I squinted my eyes at the sudden turning on of the lights. "Ugh... Man turn down the lights."

The lights didn't go off, they stayed on.

I sturggled to open my eyes but finally succeded after 5 minutes. I blinked a few times to ajust my vision before I took in my surrounding. I was in a large room with about 30 feet high ceilings. I was laying on the dark dirt covered floor. I slowly picked myself up and looked towards the back of the room which was about 10 feet way from me. The back of the room had about 3 large steps that lead up to a half circle platform that stuck out of the wall. And on that platform was a golden and green throne.

Now guess who was on the throne? LOKI! People give the man a round of applause for his clinqueness!

"What do you want Loki?" I groaned. I was just plain tired with his games. The man has been after me for like 3 months! Doesn't he get the point that he is not going to win!?

"I want to rule a kingdom of my own!" Loki snapped chuckling, his golden spear in his right hand.

"Ya? And Earth is the best place to do that? Dude don't you know how many heroes we have?" I joked pushing myself up off the floor and standing up and brushing the dust off my blackned clothes.

"Yes I know... And I also know they would never hurt a mislead child. You mortals value life and love so much. That is your weakness." Loki hissed.

"But it can be strength too!" I replied back.

"Yes... but fear is far more powerful then hope. Right now you fear for your life. And you should, but not just your own! You fear for the avengers, your father, those other pesky children who you live with. You care for them." Loki continued.

"Of course I do! That's what motivates me!" I snapped this time.

"But you are fullish to think like that... because I will kill all you 'heroes' and take earth as mine!" he hissed stepping out of the throne standing up to his full height.

"Ya. Nope!" I yelled smirking before teleporting a vibranium dagger into my hand and chucking it at Loki.

Loki barrly had time to react. Right as it was about to hit him he turned out of the way.

I teleported the dagger back into my hand after it missed him and also made its twin appear in my other hand.

Loki glared at me harshly before sending a bolt of blue at me with his spear.

I jumped out of the way belly flopping down onto the dusty floor. I knew Loki had the advantege here. I couldn't win like this. My head was pounding like a drum, causing my vision to become somewhat blurred and caused me to be thrown off balence.

I saw Loki shot another bolt and me and I rolled out of the way into the wall. I felt the clanging of metal against my back.

I snapped my neck to see what I had bangged againest.

An Airvent.

I snapped my head back towards Loki to see him strutting towards me, a smirk wiped across his face.

If I wanted to get away from him I would have to use my projecting powers of fear on him. It was my only chance to get away and crawl into the vents. But what did Loki fear? Thor? No not now... Thor was his prisoner. He wouldn't be afraid of Thor right now. But he did fear lost, and adannonment.

And so I thought of all the times Loki had lost or had been adannoned. When he was born and Laufey didn't want him. When he was imprisioned for his crimes and tosed aside, and when Frigga died. And then I threw all those memories and pain he had felt right at him.

At first Loki just kept walking towards me, the smirk still on his face. It was only after a moment did he freez mid step. His eyes that had been like a preditors before darked and his pupils enlarged. He turned tense as all my power hit him. He didn't react to anything. He just stood there, his face blank.

I took this chance and climbed into the vents quickly and quietly, making sure to cover my tracks. As soon I was out of sight of a vent exast I curled up into a ball and started silently crying. I needed to get out of here, I needed to get to my dad, I needed hope.


Third Pov.

Alva walked down the halls of the prison towards her old ceil. She didn't dare look into any ceils to shee which prisoners were which. She couldn't take the chance of Loki finding her out because she knew that if she saw one of the avengers or one of the avegers saw her she would be in a rough spot. So she keeped her head up and her eyes on the price she had come for.

It took about 5 mintues for her to reach her destination but when she did she knew that whatever she did now would either help or ruin everything.

She turned to look into the ceil across from her old one to see Riley curled up in a ball in the cornor.

"Riley..." she whispered worried.

Riley snapped her head up and looked at Alva.

"Alva. You're ok!" Riley yelped with glee running over to her and hugging her through the ceil door.

"Ya but shh... I need you to be quiet and back away.." Alva spoke.

Riley nodded before backing away from the ceil door quickly.

Alva took in a deep breath. In the time she had been with her father he had been teaching her spells and magic far past that of which she had learned from the scarlet witch or the street casters she had learned orignially from.

She lifted her hands pinching her Thumb, index finger, and pinkie together on both hands. Her hands started glowling and golden green color. She pulled her hands apart slowly before pushing them together. Then she quickly, and briefly pulled her hands apart like she was braking something.

As she did this the lock of Riley's ceil snapped braking in half.

Alva opened the metal door.

"Riley... I need you to run. Run out of here and as far as you can. Head towards Avenger's Tower. Tell the J.As that Loki has Taylor. And tell them to plan." Alva explained looking behind her back to make sure no guards were coming.

Riley nodded not saying anything. She quickly hugged Alva before bolting down the hallways.

As Riley ran she could hear Alva shouting, "The speedster has escaped!!!"

Riley just kept running. She ran out of the base into a thick pine forest. She didn't stop she ran through that pine forest and towards New York. She knew she was close to the US Canadian border of the State of New York but that didn't faze her. She just kept running and didn't stop.

She ran to New York city, Through brookyn and queens, and down 5th ave. She ran straight through the revoling doors, into the stairwell and ran up th 87 floors to the living room floor. She ran into the living room where all the J.As were planning. And then she collasped.

HEY GUYS! U MISS ME? So I may not be updating as often. Which means that the end of this book is being pushed back. SO I may not finish this book by friday. I am sorry. But I am happy to announce my new Editor/Manager. @Jemma_StarkLv9 ! Have a great week peeps!

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