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A.N. sorry for disappearing for a while, but in all honesty i just haven't been in the mood to write or had much motivation to. but i hope you all enjoy this chapter, and thank you for being so patient! 🖤


Our second first kiss is everything I've been dreaming it would be. Harry's hands cup my jaw, his fingers sliding into my hair as he pulls me close enough to press his lips against mine. The kiss is slow at first, so incredibly gentle that I wouldn't be sure it was even happening if it wasn't for my heart racing so fast in my chest, if it wasn't for the fact that I can feel him, smell him, taste him. Everywhere. I can feel one of his hands dropping from my jaw to grasp my waist, pulling me closer. I can smell the familiar musk of his skin. I can taste the faint hint of coffee on his breath. I revel in it all, telling myself I need to remember every single sensation just in case there comes a time when I never get to experience it again. But the way Harry is holding me, the way he's kissing me, is enough to reassure me that the time will never come. That this is forever.

I'm lain down on the bed so softly that I barely even feel my back hitting the mattress, Harry's hands just as gentle as he begins to peel off my shirt. We alternate between taking each other's clothes off: my shirt first, then his, my jeans first, then his. His underwear first because I'm impatient, and then mine, which Harry slips down my thighs while laughing under his breath, smiling as I eagerly tug his lips back to mine, already missing the contact. After another long, deep kiss, he pulls his lips from mine again and I'm about to yank him back when he begins to trail his lips across my body instead, kissing the slivers of skin that were once covered with fabric but are now bare. I feel his lips everywhere, all over me, kissing my skin so tenderly it's as if he's making up for all the time that my skin was deprived of his caress.

He kisses my neck, my shoulders, my collarbone, my stomach, my hips, and I melt back into the mattress when he finally places his mouth against the aching space between my thighs. I, meanwhile, moan and gasp and whimper, my eyes rolling to the back of my head, hands clenching the sheets in my fists, toes curling against the mattress. Despite all the time that's passed, my body reacts just the same as it always did, skin alight at his touch and nerves driven into a frenzy. Breathless gasps for air fall from my lips in a steady rhythm, blending with the sound of Harry's quiet moans to create a beautiful melody of pleasure which floats through the air above us. The mere knowledge that Harry derives just as much pleasure from this as I do only further turns me on, and I desperately begin to pull him back up to me, not wanting to finish yet, not wanting to surrender until he's brought to his knees right there with me.

Our lips meet in another deep, lingering kiss that sends chills down my spine and brings goosebumps to the surface of my skin, which Harry gently strokes away with the pads of his fingers, his hands still trailing all over me as if he can't bare to stop touching me. "God, I missed you so much," he murmurs between kisses, his voice so quiet that I can barely hear him. "I didn't know if I'd ever have you back again."

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