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A.N. updating again bc I'm bored tbh I kinda need to stop before I run out of pre written chapters, but enjoy anyways. remember to vote & comment


It turns out the people here either don't understand the concept of taking breaks or are merely just machines, because as soon as lunch is over, it's announced that it's time for us to head back into one of the training rooms for target shooting practice. I'm practically bouncing on my heels as I follow everyone in, excited to get my hands on a gun again, although I'm soon disappointed when I find that the only things on offer are knives. They're fun too, obviously, but my aim is much better with a gun.

I let out a small sigh as I'm led into the room by some of the other trainees I've met today. Surprisingly, I've actually managed to make some friends already, and if not friends, at least close acquaintances. I thought that I'd be stuck as a loner seeing as I'm the new girl and I also assumed everyone would be all closed off and mysterious, but they're not like that at all. At least, most of them aren't.

Niall considers himself as my first friend from the institute, despite the fact that I was about ten seconds away from choking him out earlier, but he seems to be over that already. He's taken charge of showing me around and introducing me to all his other friends, including Liam and Zayn who he pointed out in the gym earlier. Along with them, I've had a few chats with an Asian girl who grew up in Germany named Constance, but she tells everyone to call her Connie, along with Martina, an Hispanic girl, and Stefan, a burly guy from Bulgaria who looks very scary but is actually really nice and funny once you get talking to him.

As I begin to make my way into the training room, I notice one side of the room is lined with shooting targets, some of them human silhouettes and some just classic circular targets. Between every other station is a metal table lined with an assortment of different knives, which I begin to scan curiously. The rest of the group eventually file in, everyone stopping to stand in front of their own target, which is when Louis causally strolls in, Harry following behind.

"Right," Louis announces loudly, clapping his hands together. "As you all know, target shooting practice is a rather important aspect of your training. Especially because if you're on a mission out in the field and can't hit a target, then that means you've been a pretty shit trainee and wasted our time-"

"Louis," Harry cuts him off firmly, shooting him a disapproving look which he responds to by just grinning widely. Harry sighs and shakes his head, turning back to address the group. "You all know the drill. Get on with it."

Everyone seems to follow his orders, picking up the knives and throwing them at the targets a few metres away, practicing their aim and technique. I watch them all for a while, admiring some of their skills and questioning some others, but I eventually decide I better join in too. Slowly strolling over to the nearest table of knives, I survey them all before choosing one I like the look of, testing its weight in my hand. I return back to my position in front of the target, straightening my posture and gripping the knife in my hand. Keeping my eyes focused on the target ahead, I swing my arm forward, sending the knife flying through the air, watching as it just misses the centre when it lands.

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